ด้ายแดงซีรีส์ et autre séries

Mar 15, 2021 22:11

RL is what it is, we're basically stuck in a time loop blahblahblah - thankfully Fandom is there to spice things up ;) Fair warning, this entry is 100% about Asian series. I'm not branching out as such but I've watched two series that were not - I repeat, that were n.o.t - Korean, so.

Where to start? I know, let's start with a c-drama that I've heard about quite a lot the past months - year? - without ever really intending to investigate further, namely The Untamed. I feel this drama has taken Fandom by storm. One day it was all over the different platforms I hung around. I found the phenomenon more amusing than anything (it's always interesting to see a show/fandom suddenly take over the world) and never really thought to try it myself.

Fast-forward to last month or so when Cookie fell in love with it. She's been waiting for me to watch it ever since and seeing I was looking for something to spice up my workout sessions, I thought I'd give it a try - I felt the show would be perfect stimulation when I'm biking. And I was right. It's a lot of fun to watch! I'm only at episode 5, so I know I have quite a long journey - and many heartaches - ahead of me but I think I'll enjoy the ride ;)

Speaking of shows I've heard a lot about in this household: I've finally watched the two BL dramas Cookie has been raving about lately, namely Until We Meet Again (Thailand - complete) and You Make Me Dance (Korea - on air). I'm really enjoying the latter, it's super sweet and touching, but oh, Until We Meet Again kinda floored me?

I'm a sucker for reincarnation stories to begin with (Please Save My Earth remains one of my favourite animes to this day) so I was already sold on principle, but the way they told the story just spoke to me (I'm a marshmallow inside, so). It's both super cute and fluffy and absolutely heartbreaking at times (I cried so many times, wow...) and overall it was just beautiful and moving and gripping.

Finally, I'm kinda obsessed with both Beyond Evil and Mouse, both of which are even better than I expected. You start watching both shows thinking you know where the stories are heading, thinking they'll both be interesting, no doubt about it, but also thinking you might already know how it'll go and then both storylines veer off course and, suddenly, confusion prevails because ok, if InsertTwist happened so early on in the show then er,what now? So that's super exciting.

Next week I have two new dramas premiering and I have good feelings about them both. Thing is, so far, I've rarely - if ever? - been disappointed when picking my k-dramas so fingers crossed that said expectations are met again ;)
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