Ça s'écrit 마우스

Mar 02, 2021 22:55

Is the week dragging for everyone else or is it just for me? At one point this afternoon I almost had a heart attack when I realised that we were only Tuesday! Which means, if my calculations are correct, that tomorrow is only Wednesday - not Thursday at all! That was painful.

Don't mind me, the week is actually going well, I'm just being overdramatic lol I had a 2h30 long Zoom reunion in the morning followed by another 3h long Zoom reunion in the afternoon and I was just dead by the end of the day. I actually made the executive decision to go out for a stroll at 5.00 PM to clear my head. I resumed work when I got back (it's not as if I could wait for the actual end of my day at 6.00 PM to go out, right?! #BloodyCurfew). The fresh air did me good - that and the lovely weather.

But as I said, the week is going well. I'm on top of everything I want to be on top of and it's quite satisfying: working out (before and after work), going out for a walk at lunch break (except when I can't and decide to do it at 5.00 PM *cough*), studying German and/or Korean. I've also started listening to podcasts again! I've missed it a lot but as it happens, I only ever listen to podcasts when I'm out and about on my own, meaning when I'm commuting and when I'm doing solo outings. Obviously since March 2020... well. Things haven't exactly gone according to plan, have they? But this week I started listening to podcasts while I'm working out. As it happens, up until now following the video worked just fine but it hasn't been the case recently and, as a consequence, I wasn't enjoying those sessions that much anymore (not that I'm super into sport to begin with, mind, it's the Lockdown Effect).

So anyway, I thought I'd do it differently and fix the podcast problem at the same time. It worked like a charm! I'm listening to whatever episodes strike my fancy in the morning and sticking to the same podcast when I'm on the indoor-bike in the evening - and I know some of you are huge fans of that one, namely The Magnus Archive. I wanted some fiction podcast to end the day... I'm sure it'll be quite the ride.

All in all, things are doing well, as I said :) Oh! And I'm quite excited because one of the dramas I've been anticipating the most lately is premiering this week (tomorrow, even!). I have high expectations for that one. I know it's never a good idea but you know how it goes, it's not as if you can help it. Let's just hope I'll enjoy Mouse as much as I think I will. This entry was originally posted at https://castalie.dreamwidth.org/536128.html.


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