J-366 : 1 an et 1 jour

Mar 18, 2021 22:13

Fair warning: this is pure Covid-situation rant. You might want to skip that one.

What a week. What a week! So, yesterday was our First Lockdown anniversary - whaddayaknow, a whole year has passed since the whole mess officially started! How to celebrate, you might ask? Well, wonder no more! What better way to celebrate that splendid anniversary than to announce yet a new Lockdown the day after the one-year point!

So that's what, our third lockdown? I guess I'll stop counting very soon.

Admittedly, other areas of France already had a weekend lockdown but we "upgraded" the whole thing as Ile-de-France (as well as 15 other areas) are now in 7/7 Lockdown for four weeks. Oh, and we still have our curfew! I mean, why not keep the curfew on top of the lockdown? (Actually, said curfew has been pushed back an hour which was music to my ears as it now starts at 7.00PM instead of 6.00PM, which in turns means I can go out and take a breather right after work, which wasn't possible up to that point).

So we're back to non-essentials shops being closed, back to not being able to go far (although further than the dreaded 1km of Before) and back to our beloved permission form! Oh, how I did not miss that cursed document. I'm impatient to see the new version, though, because turns out even though we still have a km-restriction, we don't have a time-restriction any longer (during the day, I mean). So we could theoretically stay outside for ten hours if we wanted and I mean... why? (My theory is that the Gvt is worried people are so tired and so fed up with the whole thing that they will just not care if the restrictions are too restrictive and so they're being lenient in some areas).

Anyway. Sorry. I'm fuming inside, it has to get out somehow - also, I wasn't having the best of weeks to begin with, so. And don't get me wrong I actually believe in restrictive restrictions but at this point, everything sounds futile and/or stupid and/or too little, too late. (And don't get me started on the clusterfuck that is the French vaccination campaign).

Ha! Don't you miss my K-drama obsessive posts now? lol (I'll be back with k-drama related posts very soon, never fear!)

Ok, rant over. Hope you're all doing good, flist, or as well as you can. I'm sending lots of love your way, I'm thinking of you *hugs* 
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