I started back into doing some work today. It felt good the past two days to see things I have worked on completed. It is always nice to have that. I got a small walk in as well. It is a nice feeling. I stepped on the scale to see it has not moved in 2 weeks. I would not expect it to have I have not done anything to start losing the weight. I have been watching what I eat. that is about all I can do right now. My schedule has been so up and down I can't really set certain things to happen.
I did more design work last night. I need to get it uploaded and working again. I also got caught up on some Premiere work. I can't believe how much piles up in a month. I need to get my part completed so that the next phase of the project can get started.
I have been watching Tru Calling. I missed that when it was on TV but Scifi had it on the other day and I recorded some of it. I have also netflix it so I could watch some more. I'm enjoying it. Sorta different and fun to see. I need to watch more than things that are kids shows. I seem to see lots of those lately. Maybe after things get back to normal I can watch more.
I am cutting this since I don't think most care about my grandma or what is happening. This morning when I finally got an update, it was a somewhat happy one. Grandma was more awake today and understanding. She knows what is happening and understands that she wont leave the hospital even if she by some miracle gets better. Her white blood count was down a lot this morning. Last night things were looking so bad and horrible and she was not with it at all and everything was painful. Her living will states that she does not want to be left alive by machines. Last night the doctor talked them out of turning everything off. And today she is slight better. I have to wait for phone calls for updates. It is a killer.