Another week gone by and almost no updates on my journal. I'm trying to get some time in when I can. Seems I'm busy almost all the time now. Sleep is getting better. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. I did get some reading in. I finished Garden Spell and Upon The Midnight Clear. I have three choices that I'll look at reading next. I'm very happy about getting some reading in. It makes me feel more human again.
TV watching seems to be lacking and I keep forgetting to record stuff. I missed stuff since Friday. I'll have to watch reruns. I did catch some re-caps of a few of them. I did get to watch Torchwood a few nights ago. Jon recorded it and brought it over. I'm enjoying it. Sorta nice to have something to watch every now and then. I'm also catching up on Anime again. It is an episode here and there to get it all caught up.
I'm also getting caught up on design work and premiere again. Finally. It really is lots to do, just keeps me busy and I'm starting to enjoy doing the work again.
I tried really hard to get started on fitness level again and back up to what it was before I got pregnant. I have failed horribly this past week. Next week and next month is a new start. I'm sorta excited that things are going slowly. I made a goal to lose the extra weight by my birthday. That gives me a few months to lose it. I'm going to get me going and work on my motivation. It has been really lacking.
Tonight I'm taking the girls out for a short tricker treat time. :) That should be fun I think. I'm looking forward to it and getting out.
After last Tuesday night when we talked about turning off the machines and letting her pass on. They were not sure she was going to survive the night.To the point that things are going much better now. They are putting her in physical therapy and working towards when she will go back to the assisted living place. It is amazing that things are going so well. The doctors are shocked that she pulled through. She is still not out of the woods yet, but is doing better. The whole family can't believe that she survived. After the doctor told them she would not survive the weekend and everyone in the family gathered other than thoes of us that could not make it. I so glad that she survived. It is a small miracle. My dad said that she is looking much better now.