you must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.

Jan 15, 2009 21:12

Today, I spilt coffee on my desk, all over papers and slightly important things. And then I spilt nail-polish on my laptop. My room therefore smells delicious right now. *rolls eyes*

Right, got that out of the way.

Eons (a few months) ago, I wrote fic in which Fernando Torres said that his English teacher's name was Ron. Turns out that it's Rob. I'm torn between being scandalised and finding it all very, very amusing.

I constantly find myself coming up with titles for fics, and then very elaborate storylines to match them, but it all becomes too intricate and overwhelming for me to actually sit down and write. Nonetheless, it remains rather reassuring (ohai alliteration!) to know that I've at least got prompts ready for me should writing ever begin to look appealing again.

I feel the need to mention the Christmas crack!fic that I started writing in November and (obviously) haven't posted. It's not even halfway finished yet! I am time management fail. I'll probably end up posting it for Easter, LOL. D'you think the redundancy of the fic will matter? I mean, I'd still watch a Christmas film in the middle of the year . . . I think. Well, it's too late now, anyway. I'm telling myself that crack is funny at any time of the year . . . Whether or not this crack!fic is funny, however, is another question entirely.

la vida es un ratico

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