you must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.

Jan 15, 2009 21:12

Today, I spilt coffee on my desk, all over papers and slightly important things. And then I spilt nail-polish on my laptop. My room therefore smells delicious right now. *rolls eyes*

Right, got that out of the way.

Eons (a few months) ago, I wrote fic in which Fernando Torres said that his English teacher's name was Ron. Turns out that it's Rob. I'm ( Read more... )

la vida es un ratico

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Comments 11

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casi_casi January 15 2009, 12:19:03 UTC
"masquerading" - haha! I can understand your queasiness - I can't stand too much creamy stuff, either.

Ha, no it was not my intention, but I'm always glad to provide a laugh no matter how accidentally it occurs. :)
Oh, it must suck to lose what you've written! I suppose there's always a risk of that happening if you insist on writing everything by hand?

Oh, it's nowhere near finished, though! But perhaps I should get a move on and try and finish it soon, just for you! :)


anonymous January 15 2009, 12:32:52 UTC
Yeah, but I just can't write it directly onto the screen. I'll just have to be more careful in the future, my house does appear to be the bermuda triangle for notepads. :-)

Hehe, no rush! I'm re-reading fics from my f-list. I'm erading The Heist atm! x


(The comment has been removed)

kat_lys January 15 2009, 14:50:16 UTC
First: OH YOU ICON ♥♥♥ Loool I love it!

I don't care reading a Christmas fic at Easter XD
On the contrary, I think it's a nice change. And sure, crack can be anjoyed at any time!

I'm dying to read a new Villa/Silva fic from you. :)


casi_casi January 16 2009, 03:03:50 UTC
Hee, I love it too! I'm glad I stumbled upon it. :)

Ah, it's good to hear you say that! A Christmas fic at Easter it shall be, then.

Ooh, I'm halfway through writing one! I should get a move on and finish it, especially for you.


kat_lys January 16 2009, 11:35:57 UTC
That's so nice to hear you're writing one! The Davids are like my (not so) new drug.

I kinda love you, y'know? ♥


casi_casi January 18 2009, 00:12:13 UTC
I have to thank you for reminding me of it! It was just sitting there, half-done, until you mentioned Villa/Silva and I remembered that I have to finish it! :)

Aw, I love you too! *hugs*


ombu_tree January 16 2009, 00:32:59 UTC
Heeheh, firstly, I love your icon!
How scandalously delicious if that was the case XD. Only, who with? Especially for the religions that believe in only one God?

Moving on:
I LOVE the smell of coffee, but I don't like drinking it. Nail polish maybe not so fond of. Is your laptop okay but?

Hahaha to Ron vs Rob - how did you find that out anyway? You peoples on LJ are always so informed! I'm just so lost when it comes to trivia on the players. *sigh* It's a bit better now that I'm on LJ coz you guys share knowledge but seriously, before that, I was just yep, he's our player, yep, he plays well. OMG He has a girlfriend? I didn't know that! =O OMG he has a kid?! (that sort of thing).

I constantly find myself coming up with titles for fics, and then very elaborate storylines to match them, Oh man, I need your brain, seriously. I hate coming up with titles. I never write a fic with a title in mind. I always write one and then have to mull over it trying to think of a title which always inevitably come out lame/crap/too-bad-for-words. If ( ... )


casi_casi January 16 2009, 03:09:30 UTC
I love it too! I saw it yesterday and I just had to snag it. :D
Only, who with?
True, true. Again, with the hole-blowing. ;)

Nail-polish smells horrid. Yeah, my laptop's fine - it spilt on the blank area near the touchpad, so it didn't get inside anywhere.

I was reading an old interview where Fernando was talking about learning English, and they mentioned his teacher's name.
Hahaha, on LJ it's almost impossible to avoid little tidbits of information like that, because there are so many articles everywhere. And people mentioned girlfriends' names so constantly, it's sort of thrust in your face.

Ooh, maybe you should "challenge yourself" and come up with the titles first, and then write fic to match them? That's what I do, anyway, and it's easier than coming up with titles afterwards!

Hopefully people will still read it months after Christmas. I'm so disorganised, honestly. *sighs* I hope it ends up being funny - it's nowhere near completed yet!

I'll laugh at it! AHAHAHHAHA. is that better?
You make me laugh! :D


txorakeriak January 16 2009, 17:29:22 UTC
Your icon is made of infinite awesome. XDD

Mmmh, coffee and nail polish. Definitely the perfume of the future. XD

Eons (a few months) ago, I wrote fic in which Fernando Torres said that his English teacher's name was Ron.
OMG, I remember that fic! And you know what's funny? The moment I recalled which fic that was, I started giggling because it's such wonderful crack. XDD

Did you guess the English teacher's name for the fic, or did you look it up and get wrong information? (If it's in the post, please pardon me for being so dense. *hides*)

As for the Christmas fic, I'd love to read it! Would it be possible to post it for next Christmas? Or, well, if it isn't possible, you could just as well post it at for Easter, I don't think people would mind. I watch Christmas movies and listen to Christmas songs no matter if it's actually Christmas or not. :D


casi_casi January 18 2009, 00:15:13 UTC
I'm glad you think so. :D I was so thrilled when I found it, I just had to use it straight away. (Your icon, might I add, is also brilliant!)

Definitely the perfume of the future.

Aw, it's great to hear that you remember which fic I was talking about! :)
I don't remember how I got the name - whether I read it, or just made it up. One of life's great mysteries, I suppose... ;)

Would it be possible to post it for next Christmas?
I considered that for about 4.7 seconds, but I'm worried that the make-up of our team will have changed by then! As it is, we've lost Pennant, so my fic is already somewhat redundant.


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