Sep 03, 2008 17:40
Another blog from Governor Palin:
A lot of people have been asking about my record as Alaska’s chief executive, and the kinds of decisions I’ve made. I think if you look at the facts, you’ll see that I have the judgment and experience to be vice president.
First and foremost, I am an environmentalist. In 2005, I presided over the creation of Alaska’s first-ever carpool lane, a wildly popular environmental initiative that reduced Alaska’s carbon emissions until the program was dissolved in 2006, when Bob moved to Oregon.
As commander-in-chief of the Alaska National Guard, it was also my duty to equip the fighting men and woman (hi Carla!) of Alaska with specialized, protective gear. This may sound like a simple task, but we had our fair share of challenges, like the time my L.L. Bean credit limit was maxed out before I could finish my Christmas shopping.
I also have a proven record against corruption and pork-barrel politics. When Congress sent Alaska that $223 million earmark to build a Bridge to Nowhere, I said, “Thanks, but no thanks!” When they said they’d be taking the money back, I said, “Hold on a second!” So we took that money and built an access road to the Bridge to Nowhere that, thanks to me, will now never be built. From a Bridge to Nowhere to a road to nothing-now that's what I call change!
And don’t listen to the naysayers when they tell you that governors have no foreign policy experience. Alaska is right next door to Russia, so as governor I’ve been staring down the Iron Curtain for years, usually when Putin comes over to borrow sugar. Well, now that he’s gone and invaded Georgia, he can get his sugar elsewhere!
But really, this election isn’t about me. It’s about an American hero, John McCain! John McCain, who, in the immortal words of John Goodman, watched his friends die face down in the muck so we can win the war in Iraq! John McCain, a prisoner of war for more than five years, a fact he seldom likes to talk about. He was offered the chance to leave his POW camp early, but he selflessly refused to be released before anyone who’d been there longer, asking for nothing in return but to be elected President of the United States. And in November, I say we give it to him!
I’ll see you at the Convention tonight. God bless you, and God bless America!