Resignations and Resolutions (2/4)

Sep 24, 2006 20:05

Resignations and Resolutions
By CascadePD

Rating T (for language)

Spoilers: Anything up to Intruder

Disclaimer: I don't own them…duh.

Summary: What happened to Elizabeth and John while they were on Earth prior to the events of The Intruder. I have taken a bit of artistic license with the timing of the flashbacks shown in the episode.

‘Well that didn’t go well” John thought as he watched the city lights reflect on the raindrops trailing down the taxi window. He closed his eyes remembering the pain he saw in her eyes as he left the apartment. ‘No…it had to be this way, John. You did the right thing.’ Somehow the assurances he tried enforcing into his mind didn’t take away the guilt. He knew that she would be angry with him, but knowing and experiencing were two different things. It felt wrong. He’d anticipated her to try and talk him out of resigning. The utter disappointment on her face…the betrayal…he’d never expected that. Her tear streaked face on top of it…’Jesus, she was already upset. Why did I have to go and make it worse? Oh sure she said she was fine…why do women always do that? They’re never really fine! So what was it? Why had she been crying?

The more he pondered the idea of Elizabeth Weir crying, the more it concerned him. He had served over a year with her and never once had he seen her like that; almost vulnerable. He knew she wasn’t made of steel and had feelings, but John knew that it was something major that had caused her tears. Even when her ‘older’ self passed, she didn’t cry. ‘Who did this to her?’ He pursed his lips into a tight frown. He folded his fingers into a tight fist and pounded his knee in frustration, angry at the invisible force that had already upset Elizabeth. ‘Well now that you’ve fucked this up, you’ll never know, now will you?’

‘No, you did the right thing…you did the right thing.’ He told him self again, repeating it like a mantra.


The trip through the gate was instantaneous as usual and the familiar sights of the Earth gate room appeared in front of him. However, an unfamiliar voice beckoned to the group.

“Welcome back to Earth everyone! I’m General Landry.”

John cast a questioning glance at Rodney who merely shrugged in response. Elizabeth, quick with her manners as always, broke the puzzled silence.

“General Landry, this is a surprise!” she stated hefting her duffel bag to her left hand so she could shake the proffered General’s hand.

“Ah, Dr. Weir, I presume? I’ve heard a lot about you. Don’t worry, General O’Neill was very kind.” Landry chuckled at her raised eyebrows.

Taking the teasing in stride, Elizabeth smiled and introduced her counterpart, “Thank you General, this is my 2IC, Major John Sheppard.”

“General.” John performed a salute and waited for his superior’s command.

“At ease, Major.” Landry replied only glancing at Sheppard. The entourage of explorers began filtering out of the gate room towards the infirmary for their routine check ups. Landry escorted Dr. Weir and Sheppard into the elevator.

Curiosity getting the better of her, “Speaking of General O’Neill, is he-“

“-In D.C.” he finished. The elevator doors opened, depositing the trio near the infirmary. Landry continued, “Jack actually took a desk job, can you believe it?”

John watched her face as she smiled knowingly. He had heard how much O’Neill had struggled with the idea of commanding this base. “No, he doesn’t seem the type.” She responded, bemused.

“Tell me about it. But after the insanity of this job, I’m starting to understand why.” They rounded a corner and stopped in front of the infirmary doors. Landry smiled and began to retreat towards the elevators. “ Well, I’m keeping you from your infirmary visit. I’ve scheduled a briefing at 1030. ”

“We’ll be there General.” Elizabeth replied, as she and Sheppard watched him leave. He offered a curious glance at her, wondering what she made of the new base commander. Her response was a pair of raised eyebrows. John grinned and opened the door allowing her to enter the infirmary first.


“You wanted to see me General.” John stood at rapt attention inside Landry’s office. The briefing was lengthy between the Atlantis expedition department heads and SGC committee. When it was finally finished, Sergeant Harriman had stopped the Major, notifying him that Landry wanted to see him in his office. Somehow, John didn’t get a warm fuzzy feeling about this private meeting. When the brass wants to see you in private, it usually meant you were in trouble. Or at least, that’s how it had always been in his career.

“Please sit down Major. I’m not one for pleasantries Major so I’ll cut right to the chase. The SGC Committee, Colonel Caldwell, and I, are concerned about the command of Atlantis. More specifically, the potential influence and emotional attachments that may hinder the ability to command successfully.”


“How do you feel about Dr. Weir?”

Suspecting a trap, the Major quickly replied, “I don’t see what that has to do with anything.” Oh stupid move John! Sheppard cringed after realizing what he had just said to a two-star General. Silently, he hoped that Landry would chalk up the insubordination to being away from the chain-of-command for too long.

Landry shot him a look to kill. “Major, I’m not used to asking twice. How do you feel about Dr Weir?”

Choosing his words carefully, John replied, “I respect her leadership. She is…an asset to the SGC.”

“You respect her? On at least one occasion you directly disobeyed a direct order from her. For example, the nano-virus incident.”

“There were lives at stake. I felt I could help them instead of being locked up in a remote area of the city. As it turns out, I was able to shut down the nano-virus successfully.”

“Regardless, there are other concerns that need to be addressed. A member of the expedition, who has asked to remain anonymous, sent a rather lengthy complaint regarding the leadership of Atlantis. One of the many things this disgruntled person mentioned was the relationship between yourself and Dr. Weir.”

“Relationship, sir?

“This person seems to think that the two of you have grown rather close over the last year. He seemed to feel that it was detracting from the leadership dynamics within the city. Admittedly, this person did not present supporting evidence that the committee saw as relevant. However, the marine detachment sent from the Daedalus witnessed an…event, shall we say, between yourself and Dr. Weir a week ago that raised some eyebrows.

John paled considerably by the General’s implication. He knew that there were people who had seen himself and Dr Weir hugging when he had returned from the ‘suicide mission.’ What he didn’t realize was that it would be taken completely out of context and presented to the SGC Committee. He had never considered his personal feelings to become fodder for the expedition members. He knew he had to watch himself when it came to Elizabeth. John knew he couldn’t get too personal, no matter how much he had wanted to. Oh, and he had wanted to on many occasions.

He recalled the first time he met Elizabeth inside the Ancient outpost in Antarctica. He’d felt an instant attraction then. That attraction was only solidified into something much more real when Kolya had threatened her life. He knew at the moment Kolya told him she was still alive, that he would do anything to protect her. He loved her. Since that time, he’d been ignoring the dull ache of longing to protect her position with the expedition. His position had merely been an afterthought.

The General’s stern voice shook John from his thoughts. “You do realize that you are a hairs width from violating the code of conduct that has been set for this expedition?

“Major, I will not force you to leave your posting with Atlantis. However, I will warn you that once Colonel Caldwell returns, the SGC Committee will meet and appoint him to the position of military commander. He will not tolerate any disobedience, and he will most certainly not tolerate any inappropriate fraternization.

“In fact, I can predict that he will be making your life, and probably that of Dr. Weir’s as well, very difficult.” Landry paused to let the reality of the situation sink in.

“I think you know what to do, Major. You’re dismissed.”

John had known what to do. His blood boiled at the thought of one of the expedition members betraying them like that. He had known exactly who it was, even if he couldn’t prove it. Kavanaugh, who was already on his shit list, was now moved directly to the top spot.

For now, revenge would have to wait. If he requested a transfer elsewhere, he could eliminate the risk to Dr. Weir’s position. That was an easy enough process. However, getting Elizabeth to understand was a totally different problem.


The cab slowed to a stop in front of the hotel the Air Force had booked for him. He paid the driver and exited the cab into the pouring rain. Before John reached the shelter of the hotel’s awning, a furious voice called from behind him.

“Just what the HELL do you think you’re doing?”

stargate, sparky, atlantis, elizabeth weir, drama, john sheppard, angst, sadness

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