Eleven Stones

May 30, 2004 22:43

Disclaimer: Rowling = rich, successful, published author. Me = poor, glum, struggling student. Yes, I can see how you'd get us confused.

Eleven Stones.
Status: Complete
Series: 3/13
Rating: R/NC-17
Pairing: Drarry
Warnings: A little language, some smut, rope, mild bondage. The words might be off, I don't speak the damn language so I resorted to Google.
Summary: Damn the man who dobbed in Draco's supplier :P … Smut, sneaking in and out of classes and a naked boy tied to a bed. All the usual things you'd find at a boarding school.

Notes: Partially inspired by the Bondage challenge at pornish_pixies

| 01) Thirteen Kisses | 02) Twelve Kisses... | 03) Eleven Stones | 04) Ten Touchers | 05) Nine Words | 06) Eight Sticks |

"I have a new game."

Harry had jumped at the first word, almost knocking his book off the desk because he sat up so fast. Another Thursday, another day to sleep through History of Magic. Until of course the voice in his ear startled him out of his daze/doze. He stared at the intruder in shock for a few moments before hissing out his accusation. "This isn't your class."

Draco just shrugged. "I doubt anyone will notice me. I managed to open the door and come in without a single person looking around. Glad you sit at the back though, made my job easier." He nodded his head towards the front of the class. "Not even Binns looked up and he's facing in the right direction to begin with."

Binns was leaning over, reading directly from a book on the desk in his monotonous voice. The only relief from the sound was a slight pause whenever a vacant looking Neville was a little too slow in turning the page. Everyone else was talking quietly to the person next to them or staring out the window. Though a few strong-willed students were copying the occasional note down as the lecture rolled on.

Harry took a few deep breaths, his heart still a little fast from his shock. Or it could have been because Draco's hand was now resting on his thigh, either one. He remembered to keep his voice low. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."

"You shouldn't be sleeping in class."

"I wasn't, I was … absorbing."

"Absorbing what? Sunlight? Dust? Old age?"

Harry smiled, giving a shrug. "You said you had a new game?"


"No more chocolate?"

Draco shifted a little in his seat. "Ah, well, no. My supplier seems to be in jail for exporting sets to the United States so he currently can't take on orders. I haven't found another one yet."

"But you have something else?"

"Yes, it's not a game as such, it all depends on how you look at it." The blonde gave a quick look around the room to make sure no one had seen him yet. He glared suspiciously at Hermione, whose posture seemed more rigid that usual. He looked at her a little longer before his eyes settled back on Harry's face. "Interested?"

"Don't I get a hint to what it is?"


Harry narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Will it hurt?"

"No, not if you do it right." An enigmatic smile. "Or you ask for it to hurt."

It had been two weeks since Harry had helped to finish off the Kisses and the Gryffindor had honestly figured that Draco wasn't interested anymore. Not that he was entirely sure what Draco would be interested in. It wasn't like they were dating, just consuming a lot of sugar and sex drugs. Harry smiled at that thought, thinking it sounded worse than it really was.

"Something funny?"

"Sex drugs." He whispered back, snickering softly.

"Are you interested or not?"

"What day is it again?" Harry frowned, trying to remember but what was left of his mind after Binns had tried to bore it to death couldn't concentrate very well as he really started to notice the hand on his thigh. All this low talking and breath brushing across his ear or neck wasn't helping either.

"It's Thursday, Potter. Are you fully awake yet?"

"Probably not." He was already running it through his mind. He really should wait until the next night before he did anything that would keep him up until who knew when in the morning. He had two assignments to work on and still had to sit through Hermione's nightly study group for the NEWTs that she'd roped most of the seventh year Gryffindors into. The fingers on his thigh started tapping in an odd little rhythm and his brain politely informed him that his remaining schoolwork could go to hell. "Tonight?"

Draco nodded, removing his hand from Harry's leg and standing up. He leant down to whisper ‘10 o'clock' and then made his way quietly to the door, slipping out of the room as Harry watched every step.

Harry turned back and almost jumped again. Hermione had twisted around in her seat and was giving him an unreadable look. He hoped the smile he sent was friendly and normal then looked back down at his book, trying not to think about what new game had been acquired.


There was no sudden hand grabbing him after he knocked, no almost violent pushing and pulling that would end with him smacked into the door. In fact, all Harry received when he knocked was a muffled ‘It's open' and then nothing. Shrugging, he opened the door and cautiously stepped in. Draco was seated at his small desk, writing something in a thick, black book.

Harry rather hoped it wasn't one of those ‘satanic diaries', he really didn't like them. But he had to concede that he'd only ever encountered one, and it was unlikely that all of them, if there were any more, were out to kill him and release giant snakes on the world. "Do you ever wear a shirt?" He cringed, that hadn't been what he'd meant to say.

Draco was indeed only wearing his pyjama bottoms again. He didn't even look up when he replied, though. "Not in my own room when it's 10 o'clock at night, I don't."

Harry tried to move on from how stupid he was sounding and managed to say what he had meant to before. "Am I interrupting?"

"Almost done."

"You said 10."

"Yes. I'm running behind schedule. Some of the sixth years tried to blow up their room. Had to spend about half an hour making sure they remembered to not shake a potions assignment again." Draco tossed his quill to the back of his desk and stood up.

"Was anyone injured?"

"Unfortunately not." Draco caught Harry's disapproving look and shrugged. "People tend to remember the things that hurt them. They learn faster from pain."

Personally Harry thought that was a rather warped way to look at things, but had to admit it was probably true. He decided to simply change the subject. "So what's this game that's not quite a game?"

"Well, you could look at it as a game. Just not as competitive as the Kisses." Draco walked over to stand in front of him. "Think of it as a challenge, just like last time you have to see how long you can last."

"Okay." Then took an automatic step back when Draco's hands reached forward. It was different and a little unnerving when they weren't drugged up and begging for it. Or maybe because it all seemed to go so slowly. He had all the time in the world to think about what he was doing, something he'd tried not to do for quite awhile.

"Stand still."

So Harry stood there, feeling awkward, as he watched Draco's fingers work on each button of his shirt, pulling the garment off in an unhurried manner when they were all done. He let his eyes drift around the room as his belt was removed and the fingers went to work on his trousers. "Don't you think it's weird?" He obediently stepped out of his trousers and they were thrown to the wall.

Draco raised himself back up, still with his pyjamas on. "What?"

"This, me, you, us and how we …"

Draco had shut him up with a kiss, one hand behind his neck and the other on his chest.

Harry nodded, readjusting his glasses when the kiss ended. "Okay, I can do the ‘not talk about it' thing."

"Good. Get on the bed."

"Is there a reason you're still clothed?"

"Yes." Draco pointed to the bed again.

Harry saw no other option, so sat down on the edge.

"No. In the middle, lie down."

He did so, getting more concerned as the time went on. He watched as Draco walked to his larger chest of drawers, rummaging around for something at the bottom. A dark blue pouch was pulled out and the blonde headed for the bed, giving the door handle a shake as he passed to make sure it was locked.

A length of rope, so fine it barely looked thicker than twine, was extracted and Draco tied it to the left leg of the headboard.

Harry snatched his hand away when it was reached for.

A knowing smile and a faked note of pain in the smooth voice. "Don't you trust me?"

He thought about this for a moment. "I trust you not to kill me while I'm naked and in your room seeing as how it would be hard to talk your way out of if you were caught. But I don't think I trust you enough to let you tie me up."

"Pretend that you are."

He'd heard Seamus saying something about this stuff once. "Aren't there rules to this sort of thing? Like safe words and stuff?"

"You won't need one."

"I'd rather have one all the same."

"Fine, pick a word." Draco was getting impatient and it was obvious.

"I can't think of one."

The blonde sighed, grabbing at Harry's wrist and tying it up anyway. "Then just tell me when you do." Another rope and soon Harry's foot was anchored to the short post at the end of the bed.

"This is safe, right? I mean …" Harry stopped, hoping he didn't mean ‘Have you done this before?' because then he'd want to know who with. He did not want to know if it was anyone else from Slytherin.

"You'll be fine. Be a Gryffindor and show some spine." Draco made the last knot, completing the first phase of the ‘game.'

Harry hadn't thought of a word yet. He was too busy trying not to like the images that his inexperienced yet enthusiastic mind was conjuring up. They all seemed really nice.

"Mostly the rope is to stop you from cheating."


"You're not allowed to touch yourself."

"I see." Harry raised his head up, looking across his body. Arms and legs stretched out, like a perverted star-jumper stuck in the one position. "I didn't know I could touch myself with my feet."

His sarcasm only brought about an amused smile. "You might have tried rubbing your thighs together, that's not allowed."

"So what is allowed?"

"Not much, really. You lie there and I do all the work."

Harry put his head back down and stared at the ceiling. "Are you starting yet?"

"Oh no, tying you up was just the first stage."

Harry had to lift his head again as two pillows were pushed under it. He could now see around most of the room fairly well at this angle and it did make him feel a bit better. Though that was partially ruined when Draco brought out a smooth, circular piece of hematite. It looked like a large button. "Er, please tell me that's not being placed anywhere."

"Of course it is."

"Right, that's it. Untie me. I don't care if I haven't thought of a word yet, just untie me."


"Hell no, I will not shh." He tugged his arms and tried to bring his knees up. The rope held tightly though it only felt like air passing across his skin. "Get me out of these now!"

"Calm down. Pulling at them won't do anything. You could hang an erumpent from Gryffindor tower by it and it would hold." Draco walked over and sat on the edge of the bed as Harry cringed away. "Relax, they aren't going in you, just on you." To prove his point he bent down and licked Harry's forehead gently then placed the stone on the tiny patch of saliva, tapping it twice with his finger.

It felt cold and a little sticky so Harry shook his head to get it off, only to found that it didn't move. "You stuck it to my skin? Get it off!"

Draco slid his hand down Harry's torso, stopping just short of the line of pubic hair. "Do you want to play this game?"

"I'm seriously reconsidering." Harry muttered, wishing the hand would go lower.

"That would be a yes, then, given how you didn't automatically yell a ‘no' at me."

"Shut up."

"I hope I won't have to gag you." Draco looked rather interested at the idea.

"Don't even think about it." Unfortunately for Harry his mind supplied him with a very pretty image of Draco gagging him with his cock. He shifted, his erection wanting to be touched. "Just get on with it." He was dying to know how a button strapped to his head could constitute as ‘erotic' and was fairly sure that if things just hurried up he'd find out.

Another lick and the next stone was pressed into his right hand, also staying put. Then Draco did something really cruel. Instead of simply moving around the bed to place the next one in Harry's other hand, he leant over, rubbing his chest along Harry's skin and smirking.


"Oh, hush." Draco slowly dragged himself back the same way. "You won't mind soon."

Harry squirmed as the warm tongue licked his right nipple then jumped when the button was put on it. "Damn it, Malfoy! Those are cold." He again pulled at the rope holding him in place.

Draco bowed his head as an apology and selected the next one from the pouch. Watching Harry carefully he brought it to his mouth and exhaled warm breath over it. Without breaking eye contact he managed to move his head down again and licked at the one remaining naked nipple.

Harry didn't even notice when the stone was placed on his chest. "You're taking too long."

"No I'm not." Draco picked out the sixth stone and stood up, moving to the foot of the bed. "These things can't be rushed." He bent his head to Harry's right foot and licked across the top of it, just below the toes. Once that stone was place he languidly moved to the next foot, repeating his actions.

Harry swallowed nervously as Draco began to crawl back up to him but the blonde stopped, straddling his shins. Green eyes widened slightly when Draco took three stones out of the bag, placing them all in his mouth.

The blonde just watched him, rolling the stones around in his mouth and warming them up. Grey eyes boring into the bound and naked Gryffindor, not even blinking.

Harry didn't know how it was done, but Draco managed to lick his inner thigh and place a button there without using his hands. "How the hell can you lick anything with three stones in your mouth?"

"They're not that big." Admittedly the reply was somewhat garbled as Draco still had two of them in his mouth, but the main idea was put across.

Harry closed his eyes when the ninth stone was placed on his other thigh. Then nothing seemed to happen for awhile. He opened his eyes.

This must have been what the blonde was waiting for because he took the last one out of his mouth by only his thumb and forefinger and smiled, one eyebrow raising. "Care to take a guess?"

Harry groaned, his head tipping back a little on the pillows.

Draco laughed softly and bent down, slowly dragging his tongue up the underside of Harry's erection before placing the stone just under the crown and tapping it to stay.

"As attractive as I'm sure I look with all these stones on me, are you going to start doing something now?"

Draco slid backwards and lowered his mouth to Harry's ankle, licking at the soft skin that was just above the thin rope. Slowly he shifted forwards, trailing his tongue in a sticky line up the inside of the leg until he reached the knee.

Harry watched as the tongue disappeared back inside its owners mouth and could tell that Draco was moving it around to redistribute the saliva.

"You seem to be impatient."

"You've tied me down and arranged your rock collection on my body … it's all very interesting but not very stimulating."

Draco got off the bed and walked to where he'd left the bag. "Do you remember the Aztecs?"

Harry's jaw dropped. "What?"

"The Aztecs. Do you remember them?"

"Not personally, no." He was stunned that he was lying spread out on Draco's bed and the blonde was about to launch into a history lesson.

"Well, seeing you asleep in your class today, it made me think. I haven't actually researched them but there was this story my mother used to tell me when I was younger."

"And it seems appropriate now?"

"Well, yes actually." Draco reached into the bag and pulled out something wrapped in a dark purple cloth. He unwrapped it and Harry could see another piece of hematite but larger than the ones he was currently sporting.

"I think I missed your point."

Draco held the stone in his palm carefully, not taking the cloth out from under it. His other hand reached for something that looked like a long, thin rectangular pencil case made of leather. "The Aztecs lived a long time ago, just like every other civilisation that fell. Beliefs, hierarchy, vague system of order. You know, the normal. Sun gods," his hand flicked on end of the pencil case open. "and sacrifices." The steady hand dragged out a rather nasty looking dagger with a curvy blade. "All that sort of stuff that most people laugh at now."

Harry didn't say anything. He was too busy staring at the dagger and sweating slightly.

Draco noticed his concerned face and smiled, taking a step closer to the bed. "I thought you said you trusted me not to kill you while you were naked and in my room?"

Harry swallowed audibly. "That was before you were holding the very large knife."

Draco chuckled and used his foot to drag his chair over so he could sit down next to the bed. "And do you still trust me not to kill you?" He sat there quietly, just watching and spinning the dagger around in his hand.

"Um, yes?"

"Say it like you mean it."

Harry watched the blade twist around for a few moments before looking to Draco's face. One quick glance between the two of them again and he tried to shrug. "I trust you."

Draco smiled, standing up. "You're insane. I would have said no." But he didn't come any closer. In fact he placed the dagger on his desk and then carefully let the cloth and stone sit next to it. He opened a small cupboard and brought out a bowl and an urn, placing the urn on the shelf with the bowl under it.

This was about the time that Harry decided the evening was getting weird. First it was the rope, then it was the stones and now Draco was tipping the urn on to its side and water was starting fall into the bowl below. "What the hell is that?"

"A waterfall."

"It's an urn leaking all over your desk."

"It's a very small waterfall."


Draco ignored the sarcasm and brought out a plain white candle. He set it next to the bowl and tapped it with his wand, smiling and giving a nod when the end of the wick sparked and blossomed into a flame. Another bowl was brought out and all it had was something brown that Harry couldn't quite see properly.

"Anyway," Draco said as he placed whatever the brown stuff was on the desk on the other side of his waterfall. "back to the Aztecs."

Harry groaned and not in a good way.

"As I was saying, they lived many years ago and died out. Well, perhaps not all of them died, I don't know. Maybe just their culture? Either way, they're gone now but some things still remain."

"Like boring prats who waffle on about them when they could be doing other things?"

"I still have my dagger, you know."

Harry stayed quiet.

Draco carefully picked up the large piece of hematite and dipped his other hand into his second bowl, bringing out what looked like a hand full of dirt as fine as powder. He sprinkled it over and muttered a word that sounding like ‘Tlalli' to Harry.

"You're covering your pyjamas in dirt."

"Hush." Draco picked up the candle and began to run the flame across the rock he held. "Tletl. Now, every culture has at least fifty stories of two people who fall in love when they shouldn't. Whether or not we still know of those stories will vary. And of course stories are always changed, especially those that aren't written down." He placed the candle back where it was and waited for the stone to cool.

"You're going to recite a love story to me?" Harry was more than incredulous.

"I have a point, I promise."

"Better be a short story."

"That's the only way I know how to tell it. My mother was never too keen on long stories either." Draco smiled. "Well, as any other tale begins there was a man and a woman, they fell in love for some reason or another. They wished to be married and be together forever, all that rot. Naturally as the story needs it, the parents of both parties denied them. They were persistent. The parents, tired of their whining put aside their differences briefly and plotted against their children." Draco gingerly touched the stone then nodded when it didn't burn him. "Atl." He placed it in the thin stream of falling water.

"Isn't that bowl full yet?"

"The urn will never be empty, the bowl will never be full."

Harry rolled his eyes. "And I will never get off."

"Dagger." Draco reminded him gently.

"You wouldn't kill me."

"Daggers don't always have to kill."

Harry returned to being silent.

"Where was I? Oh yes, parents plotting against their children. They agreed to let them marry, on one condition. They were never to touch each other."

"This is a stupid story. No-one would agree to that."

"You've never been in love."

"Oh, what? And you have?"

"Hardly. I'm only seventeen." Draco was still standing next to his desk, not even looking at Harry. "So they were married and, as I'm sure you could tell, their honeymoon was pretty boring compared to most. but they were happy. For awhile at least. Days, weeks months and all the while they couldn't touch each other. Couldn't satisfy their desire for each other. Only touch themselves and watch the other do it in turn."

"So they broke the condition and died horrible, painful deaths?"

"No." Draco raised the rock to his lips. "Ehecatl." He blew across it and the stones on Harry's body started to glow.

"Bloody hell." Harry looked down, he could feel them vibrating slightly. "Great, I'm horny and he covers me in Christmas lights."

"They found a loophole." Draco continued on as if Harry hadn't spoken. "They couldn't touch each other, but they could touch stone." He again blew across the one he held in his palm.

Harry gasped as he felt warm breath rush over the entire of his body. It swirled over his skin, playing with the fine hairs. "Oh shit."

"I see that you're finally catching on." Draco placed it under the stream of water.

"Damn, that's cold." He could feel it spilling over on to him, but he was dry no matter how wet he felt. He moaned when two of Draco's fingers started rubbing small circles on the piece of hematite.

"So they could finally experience what felt like their lover touching them."

"And they lived happily ever after." Harry finished off.

"Er, no actually. Eventually even this wasn't enough, she wanted to have a child. So she left him for another man even though she loved him dearly. He sat at his windows for days on end, waiting for her to return. Eventually she realised her mistake and went to apologise but it was too late."

"He died?"

"No, he married another woman. He didn't love her, but cared for her deeply and she loved him, took care of him. They were happy. His first wife, when seeing this, didn't have the heart to step forward and ask for him back, even though she knew he would have returned to her immediately. She stabbed out her ‘wandering' eyes and spent the rest of her days moving from village to village, alone."

"Your mother told you this story? What? She wanted to scar you for life?"

"She wanted me to see that it wasn't worth waiting for someone who clearly didn't deserve me and that happiness doesn't have to rely on one person alone." Draco smirked, his fingers still trailing along the stone. "And that, if we're really lucky, the bastards who hurt us will end up miserable and alone, always wishing that they'd never left."

Harry was squirming on the bed now, the sensation of fingers running all over him, so he couldn't quite voice his opinion of how that was a horrible story and it part-way explained Draco's fucked-up mentality.

Draco watched Harry carefully and moved the stone to above the flame, far enough away for it to feel only warm.

Harry could feel the ribbon of heat, moving slowly over his body and the flame of the candle drifted in the slight breeze that always seemed to circulate through Draco's room. "I wish I could touch myself."

"Not allowed."

"Not fair."

"Not my problem."

Harry's eyes snapped open as it started to burn. "HEY!" He looked to Draco who had snatched the stone from the flame. "What the fuck?"

"Sorry, I … I … I wasn't paying attention."

Harry looked to Draco other hand which was rising from his groin. He glared.

"Sorry." Draco said once more, his hand returning to stroke the stone. "You just look so pretty, tied up and writhing."

"I was not writhing."

"Yes you were."

"Well, if you'd just touch me I …" Harry's voice died off when all the pressure of the fingers seemed to shift to his cock. The stone that was placed on it vibrated a little harder.

"But I am touching you." Draco smiled, walking away from the desk and watching Harry's face.

Harry's eye slipped shut again. The friction felt so good after all this time of waiting and stories. "Faster. Please."

Draco looked back to his desk, remembering something else and went back, picking up the dagger. He placed it in the air so that the tip was just over the end of the flame and slowly let go, pleased when it continued to hover there.

Harry had whined in disapproval when he felt the touching stop, but it was back now, feeling just as good as before. It briefly moved to his nipples before sliding down again, constantly on the move. Then it was gone again. "Damn it, Malfoy." His eyes opened again as the strangest feeling moved from his feet, all the way up to his forehead. It had felt really good. "What the hell was that?"

"Watch and see."

Harry looked up, Draco was now standing next o the bed, his knees resting on the edge. The stone was brought up to the blondes lips and the tongue came out, dragging all the way up.

Harry shuddered. "Damn that's good." He whispered.

Draco smiled and shifted his grip on the stone, raising it to his lips again.

Harry cringed. "Oh no, no, no, no. Don't. I won't last if you do."

"You're not supposed to." Draco pushed three quarters of the rock passed his lips and then sucked. Hard. Slowly pulling it back out, as he did.

Harry muttered something that even he didn't understand, his whole body tensing as it went like everything from his nipples down was almost being sucked off his bones as nine of the stones vibrated at full force. That was all it took for him to cum and he whimpered, the ropes stretching as he tried to arch his back. His eyes hadn't shifted from Draco's lips and the rock that lay between them.

Draco walked back to the desk and dragged hold of the dagger. He placed his stone down and scooped up a handful of dirt, blowing it over the blade with his breath and dropped it in the bowl. The stones on Harry stopped glowing and the Gryffindor slumped back down.

Draco slowly moved around, detaching the stones and placing them back in their pouch. He also untied the knots holding Harry's limbs in place but left the ends that were tied to the bed. Sliding his knees up on the mattress he moved to kneel beside where Harry was lying, two fingers drifting through the sticky mess on the boy's stomach and rising to the pale, smirking lips. "You didn't like it?" His smirk grew wider at the glare he received.

Harry stretched his freed arms, rubbing his wrists even though it hadn't hurt and there were no marks. "Do you think I could just lie here and sleep for a bit? Just until my legs work again?"

Draco shook his head solemnly. "No. You're going to get up and have a shower."

Harry didn't really like the sound of that, he much preferred his idea. "I am?"

"Yes, you are. And then," Draco straightened his back and moved off the bed, picking up the little bag that held the stones. "you're going to put these on me."

Harry sat up a little quicker than he should have. "I'll just go have that shower, then."


| 01) Thirteen Kisses | 02) Twelve Kisses... | 03) Eleven Stones | 04) Ten Touchers | 05) Nine Words | 06) Eight Sticks |

fic, gb_series

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