Twelve Kisses

May 27, 2004 11:18

Disclaimer: Rowling = rich, successful, published author. Me = poor, glum, struggling student. Yes, I can see how you'd get us confused.

Twelve Kisses. Oh! and Some More of Those Chocolates.
Status: Complete
Series: 2/13
Rating: R/NC-17
Pairing: Drarry
Warnings: Hmm, been looking through the later 'episodes' and there seems to be an undercurrent of plot emerging. Meh, I'll work out a way to get rid of it, hopefully. This is basically just like the last part, except more 'stuff' happens. Sadly, not as amusing though, given as how there's no audience for comic relief, but it does have its occasional 'Moment'.
Summary: Er, boy meets boy; boy gives boy drugged, aphrodisiacal chocolate; boy bonks boy. Your standard love story.

Notes: Big thanks to ladyvader for her belief that at least the first half was okay. And another big thanks to lilie_the_mouse for her advice about how the hell Harry should sit [i.e. read that as 'her fault' :) ]. Also a huge thanks to Moriavis for telling me that most of it was fine and I should bloody well stop whining (admittedly, I am paraphrasing … but I'm sure it's what she wanted to say)

| 01) Thirteen Kisses | 02) Twelve Kisses... | 03) Eleven Stones | 04) Ten Touchers | 05) Nine Words | 06) Eight Sticks |

Harry's feet were cold and he really wished he hadn't decided to walk the castle barefoot. He just hoped it was warmer inside, or that he would at least get warmer as the night went on. His hand only hit the door once before it swung open. A completely different hand to his own grabbed his shirt and he was wrenched inside, only to have his direction abruptly changed to back the way he came and he crashed into the now closed door. He didn't have the luxury of complaining as lips were already pressed against his.

It seemed perfectly natural to grant immediate access to Draco's tongue when it pushed for it. He somehow thought it would be rather strange to not let it happen, considering they'd already had a rather enjoyable experience that involved rubbing. Something that was being repeated at this very moment as Draco pushed his hips closer.

Harry gave a snort of annoyance when the blonde broke completely away though.

"You're late."

But before he could reply, Draco promptly shoved a chocolate in his mouth. Harry was stunned for a moment before he remembered himself and chewed, swallowing it down when it was gooey enough. "We set a time?" He watched as Draco reached for the next chocolate and then accepted it without a word. The box was more than half empty and he finished his second. "You started without me?"

Draco nodded, leaning in for another kiss. Though he may have just been searching for that chocolate taste that his head was probably begging for by now. Harry pulled away, needing to breathe when Draco's non-chocolate reaching hand rubbed him through his trousers. "How long did you have to wait?" He was pretty certain he wouldn't need any form of hormonal drug if Draco was going to keep up with his agenda of moving his hand like that.

"Too long."

Another Kiss was pushed into his mouth and Harry put his hands up, forcing it down his throat quickly so that he could make a complaint. "Malfoy! I don't want to overdose and unless you have a really perverse thing for unconscious people, I suggest you slow it down with the 'stuffing me full of chocolate' plan." Despite his strong words he automatically licked off a smudge of the sweet from the pale fingers that had stalled in front of his face.

"Well, hurry up, I've been going crazy here."

Harry nodded as he tilted his head back, letting the other boy have better access to the throat that was now the blonde's focus of attention. He pushed against the hand that was still slowly sliding against his erection. Lips covered his again, tongue playing in his mouth, but again the kiss was broken. It was rather disorientating, all the sudden, brief touches. "You could have fully started without me. It's why God gave us opposable thumbs."

"No." Was murmured into Harry's throat. "Want to cum in your mouth."

Harry was overwhelmed by how much he didn't mind the image that accompanied those words. "Oh?"

"Yeah, want you to feel it slide down your throat, nice and warm in your stomach, give the chocolate some company."

Harry was sure that his breathy 'Okay' wasn't the best response he could have given to this revelation, but his partner didn't seem to mind his insufficient vocal reaction. Not if the way he was applying pressure to Harry's shoulders, pushing him to his knees, was any indication. And then he was there, almost at eye line level with a very interesting bulge in the blonde's pyjama bottoms.

He watched in silent fascination as his hands reached for the waistband, certain of the fact that he hadn't actually told them to. The elastic stretched easily and Harry carefully pulled them down, knowing how uncomfortable it could be when you tried to hurriedly remove your trousers whilst aroused. His chocolate had definitely set in and he used the clothing to wipe off the tremendous amount of sweat that seemed to cover his hands and just keep seeping out.

Harry's hands weren't the only things 'seeping'. Small droplets of sweat were breaking out on Draco's forehead, chest and even his stomach. And then of course there was his cock. Harry gave it a wary look, wondering if it would be rude to call the proceedings off temporarily as he tried to determine whose was bigger. Draco's looked about the same length except maybe a little thicker, which was depressing. But he rationalised it in his mind that he hadn't actually seen his own from this vantage point. He rubbed his hand on his clothes, hoping it wasn't cold and then reached out, letting his fingers drift over the hard flesh in front of him. Another chocolate, he thought it must have been his fourth, was offered up at his lips and he parted them obediently, his eyes not leaving the enticing soft skin over taut muscle that he was holding.

Draco's fingers were on his chin then, pushing it down and opening his mouth. Which was about the time Harry started to worry. He'd seen other people's before, boarding school, and yes, he'd even indulged in a little hand action with other guys before, again - boarding school, but he'd never put one in his mouth. Glancing up as just the tip slowly slid between his lips, he hoped Draco was too far gone to care about skill. Or his lack of it.

His first impression was that it didn't seem to be too bad. Sort of like kissing, but not. A thicker, rigid tongue that pushed out his cheek, or brushed across his teeth. A mixed taste of salt and something that Harry could only picture as being like sunlight. Like when you take a deep breath of country air, tilting your head back and letting the sunshine fall into your mouth at the same time. Warm and shiny. His latest Kiss had kicked in and his hand drifted down to his lap, until Draco pulled it back up and placed it to rest on the blonde's left hip.

"Don't waste it." Draco whispered. "I want to suck it out of you when you're done."

Harry didn't reply. Not because he couldn't, although it would have been interesting to hear him try seeing as how he was currently trying to wrap his tongue around as much of Draco's erection as he could, but his silence was brought about by the even more pressing urge of doing a good job and getting a reward for it.

Not that he could actually think of anything to say in reply. He probably could have managed to gargle a strange sound, but that was about it.

All in all he thought he was doing rather well for his first time. Admittedly Draco was doing most of the work, rocking his hips back and forth but Harry felt he was slowly getting the hang of it. His other hand had come up to rest on Draco's right hip, holding him steady and trying to get it a little deeper each time. Until Draco pulled away, leaving only the Gryffindor's hands on him.

Harry went to ask if he was doing something wrong when his fifth Kiss was placed into his mouth.

"Hurry up, you're killing me." Draco already had one hand braced on the door.

Harry swallowed the chocolate and gave a light tug on Draco's hips, trying to get him back into position. He slid his lips back over, noting how the small amount of his saliva left on it had cooled in such a short time and unconsciously exhaled hot breath to warm it up.

Draco moaned softly, putting even more of his weight on the hand that was pressed against the door. Harry tilted his head at an odd angle so that he could suck and look up at Draco at the same time. His own untouched cock throbbed hard, and not just because of the drug.

Draco looked exquisite, his back slightly bent so that his torso loomed above, head bowed and lips parted, breathing erratically. Harry noticed that every few seconds or so a small bead of saliva would form on Draco's bottom lip as he breathed, causing the blonde to suck the lip into his mouth and swallow before he literally started to drool, having it drop down into Harry's hair.

Harry straightened his head up again, his neck not liking that angle and refocussed all his attention back on the blowjob at hand. He thought that last phrase over in his head and gave a slight shrug, not caring if he sounded deranged even in his own mind.

Draco had definitely picked up speed since that short break of giving Harry more chocolate, not that either of them seemed to be complaining. Harry felt the smooth tip brush the muscles at the back of his throat and it was rather pleasant, almost like a tickle. He brought Draco's hips back, moving his head forward this time and taking as much as he could given his position. The faintly scratchy pubic hair tickled at his lips but he ignored that, trying not to smile at the rather strange sound Draco had just made.

Then Draco's left hand, the one not bracing him against the door, was in Harry's hair pulling the boy's head back slightly. Harry felt the skin tighten and he sucked harder, rewarded by Draco's standard breath of air and the peculiar feeling of his mouth filling with warm, sticky liquid. As if someone had filled a syringe of heated maple syrup and squeezed it into his mouth.

Except maple syrup was not that salty, and was a bit thinner too. Harry didn't mind though, he quite liked the taste even if his stomach did feel a little queasy at the idea of 'bodily fluids'.

The hand still in his hair tugged, trying to get him to feet and he obeyed, warms lips falling on to his before he was even half way up. Harry broke off the kiss, placing a few light ones to Draco's throat. "Please can I have my turn now?"

"I should make you wait, like you did for me."

"I'm sorry, but we didn't actually set a time, just a night."

"Yeah, and it's been night for quite awhile." Draco took a few steps back, kicking his pyjama bottoms away and flicking his head as an indication that he should be followed.

Harry grabbed up his last Kiss when he passed and popped it into his mouth as he walked over to the bed. He let his hips be grabbed and willingly shifted to turn around as the hands directed, the mattress pressing into the back of his legs. Warm hands stroked over his chest and Harry was rather worried to discover he was no longer wearing his shirt. He knew he had been wearing it while he was still on his knees so he looked to the door, spotting it lying on the mat. "My shirt?"

"I took it off. Was wondering when you'd notice."

His blush wasn't visible given that he was already flushed, a fact he was grateful for. He always had his wand hidden in the secret compartment of his sleeve and the fact that he'd let himself get so distracted was unsettling. But then Draco's mouth was over his again as he felt hands fiddling with his trousers and most thoughts that didn't relate to what was happening, died their quiet deaths.

He felt rather awkward, not knowing where to put his hands while his fly was being unzipped and a tongue was rubbing against his own, so he opted to just leave them by his sides, hoping that Draco wouldn't take any offence. A rush of cool air as the trousers slid down his legs and then a breathy laugh into his mouth before the blonde pulled back.

"You always wear nothing underneath?"

Harry gave an embarrassed cough, remembering how it took him twenty minutes to decide. "No, I just thought it would be quicker this way." He hadn't been too sure what to expect, but the chance of it just being like before with partially naked rubbing had seemed very unlikely.

"Quicker? I think I like that." Draco placed his hands on Harry's hips, pulling them closer together and giving him a kiss as their erections rubbed together. "Yeah, quicker works for me."

"Uh huh." Harry nodded, letting himself be pushed gently to sit on the mattress behind him. He knew there was no more chocolate, so all he wanted was for Draco to do something, or at least let him do something to himself.

Draco dropped to the ground, pushing Harry's knees apart. "Put your foot on my back."

Harry didn't bother to question, just leant back on his hands and brought his right foot up and around to where he was asked. He didn't put up any resistance when his other leg was pulled to rest between Draco's thighs, not minding in the slightest when he worked out that the blonde was going to grind himself against it. He sighed when he finally felt some nice, sticky friction.

Harry knew it must look strange. He sat, leaning back on his hands for balance, one leg sticking out to the side as it bent around to rest the heel of his foot on Draco's back, while his other leg was pressed between Draco's thighs, his shin pushing against the hot, hard flesh as the blonde rocked his hips each time his head moved. Harry amended his last semi-formed thought. He knew it must look strange … and he honestly couldn't give a damn.

He liked the warm, moist feeling that moved up and down, he liked the way Draco's cheeks hollowed as he sucked. Harry moaned, tilting his head to his own shoulder. He really liked the way the muscles at the back of Draco's throat rippled and clenched.

Then Draco's mouth moved to just the tip, continuous sucking as his lips pushed and pulled the foreskin in an almost circular motion. Harry dragged in a deep breath, ignoring the unmanly squeak this caused and not caring that he hadn't even lasted a minute. He was blaming all this on the chocolate anyway. He wanted to readjust his glasses as they had slipped slightly to the side when his head tilted back, but he was sure if he moved either of his hands, he'd fall. His elbows were already threatening to go on strike.

It was finally starting to seem rather surreal to Harry. Draco Malfoy was humping his leg after sucking him off. He himself had already been on his knees for someone he would have smacked in the balls, preferably with a sledge hammer, only last year. And a somewhat dangerous smile was forming on the blonde's face as Harry's leg served its purpose and Draco panted in short breaths, hips slowing down.

Harry was certain he quite liked 'surreal'.

Especially considering he was still hard and a smooth, pale hand was rubbing his inner thigh. He nodded to himself, thinking that surrealism was really good. He uncurled his leg, releasing Draco from his fleshy prison and watched quietly as the other boy stood up, towering over where Harry leant on the bed.

"Move up."

Harry lifted himself up and crawled backwards as Draco glided on to the bed, on his knees. They stretched out, Draco lying on top of Harry but supporting most of his weight on his forearms, neither seeming to care that they were lying across the bed instead of length ways like normal people.

That's how it stayed for awhile, sweaty, slippery skin rubbing against more of the same as the two concentrated more on battling their tongues together in a kiss than fumbling clutches or awkward pauses that might have needed words. Twice they had to stop, just to catch their breath but Draco always brought his head back down for another.

Harry could see the logic clearly, could understand how it was easier to kiss than to talk. Talking would require thinking for a start. Something he wasn't certain that he was capable of right now. Besides, if they had to talk he had no idea what either of them could say. He hadn't read it anywhere, but was convinced that striking up a conversation about Quidditch (and what else did they really have in common to talk about, anyhow) while lying naked in another boy's bed was bad etiquette. Especially while lying naked on the bed and under the boy who's bed it was. He gave a soft groan as Draco's hips pressed down harder than before, the pale lips mimicking the move. But then the blonde head pulled back, grey eyes not quite focussed, yet showing enough sanity.

"Can I fuck you?"

The only thing that really annoyed the squirming Gryffindor right now was how unfair it was that Draco was obviously capable of some thought that didn't go along the lines of 'More' or 'Harder' which is what he was rapidly being reduced to. He didn't know why, but it aggravated him that his partner was not as affected as he was. His mind struggled to run through with this rant a bit more, about the injustices of the hormonal world and how evidently he was doomed for all eternity to lose said mind whenever he suffered from an erection, when it finally noticed that Draco was still waiting for an answer to the question Harry could never have managed.

"Sure." It was the first word that came out when he opened his mouth, whether by luck or consent and Harry stopped trying to think, figuring that if Draco could then he could do it enough for the both of them.

Draco moved to a kneeling position on the bed, reaching for his wand on the small set of drawers that sat next to the headboard. Two tiny glass bottles filled with a soft blue liquid were sitting near where the wand had been and Harry finally worked out they were the potions that came in the sets. It occurred to him then that he probably should have already asked where they were, instead of just allowing Draco to dose him up.

Harry hadn't heard the spell that was cast but figured that it didn't really matter when nothing seemed to have happened. Strong arms slid under his back and lifted him up to his own knees, turning him to face the headboard. He could smell something sweet, a little like jam, and then Draco's chest was pressed against his back, bent legs moving to lie under him, between his own. The hands reached for his hips and gently pulled them down until he was effectively sitting in Draco's lap, the blonde's knees resting between his calves. The arms lifted back up, coming around to hold him close and Harry absently noticed that Draco's wand still dangled from the long, thin fingers.

He was very confused at first. He had no experience with this sort of thing, but surely he should feel something? He wasn't into pain and was really hoping it wouldn't hurt too much, but to feel almost nothing had to be wrong.

Draco's wand tapped against Harry's hip and a spell was whispered passed his ear.

His brain barely registered the words but when it did, he felt his face burn and he hung his head, almost laughing a little. "Expansion charm?" He'd had to use great effort but was proud that the thought had been able to form in his mind and make it all the way to his mouth without morphing into an undecipherable gargle.

"Quicker." It was an explanation, not a command.

"I'm not a car." He murmured, a hazy memory of Arthur Weasley's Ford Anglia drifting through.

If Draco even heard him, let alone understood him, the blonde didn't say anything. Just continued rubbing Harry's chest as the spell slowly let itself down. At first Harry couldn't really feel anything, then there was a slight sensation, not uncomfortable more like unusual. Then it became uncomfortable and he squirmed. One of the hands on his chest fell to his groin and brushed upwards as formless soothing noises were whispered to him.

The spell was completely gone by now and all Harry could feel was stretched and more sticky than he ever had before. He didn't know what Draco had used as lubricant, but the sweet smell lingered as the substance, whatever it was, started being warmed up by their combined body temperatures.

"Does it hurt?"

Harry shivered slightly as the breath rushed past his ear and neck, but shook his head. The last moments of the spell had been slower than all the others, letting his body adjust in time without feeling like he was being torn apart.

"Can I please move now?" Draco's breathing was laboured from the effort to not just start without waiting for any indication that it was okay.

Harry shifted his weight forward so that it was mostly on his knees and not Draco's thighs, hoping he wasn't too heavy and nodded. Flying cars, hostile trees, satanic diaries, three headed dogs, dragons, mer-people and even the occasional Dark Lord trying to bleed him dry all seemed quite normal compared to the truly strange sensation he received when Draco rocked his hips forwards.

But this was much better than all of those. It was like having his skin caressed, except it different in a way that he could only describe as 'inside'. A warm mouth started to suck gently on the back of his neck and he lowered his head towards his chest, letting the lips move up a little.

"Up." The blonde murmured, "Right up."

Harry followed the directions of the hands on his hips and positioned himself as if he was kneeling again. He reached forward, wrapping the fingers of his right hand around the top of the headboard, helping him to push back each time Draco's hips came forward. His erection was really aching again and all he could think about was doing whatever it took to help out and cum again.

Draco paused for a moment and Harry could tell why from the hot breath rushing over his skin, causing pleasant goose bumps. "Please move." He muttered, wishing the blonde wouldn't take such a long time between goes. A murmur at his ear.

"Touch yourself, you must be screaming for it in your head."

He was actually, he just didn't know if he should. But he placed his left hand on the headboard now, bringing his right back to rub at his groin as Draco started moving again. Harry groaned a little as he came on the third stroke, but it was mostly dry as his body hadn't quite caught up from the blow job. He pushed back harder, blood still pounding through his lower body.

They fell into a rhythm after awhile and Harry was sure he'd never felt anything this good. Not cheering charms. Not helping to win the House or Quidditch cup. Not the sudden rush of relief when he would wake up in the infirmary and realise he was still alive. The fingers brushing his nipples were warm and knew just how much pressure to apply. The mouth on his neck felt so good. The hand on his hip that would slip forwards to squeeze his left thigh were perfect.

But all good things must come to an end and that was the one problem with this. It wouldn't come to an end.

"I can't, I can't, I need the potion, please." It was driving him crazy, no matter how good his orgasms were it only took a few moments for him to need another one and the whole process seemed to take far too long. He felt the arms unwrap from his body and he fell to land on his hands, crawling up a tiny way to the top of the bed and reached for one of the little bottles that sat on it.

He gulped the contents down and rolled so he could land on his back, praying the potion would work quickly. Luckily for him it didn't take too long and he sighed with relief as his erection wilted. His blood was still humming through his body, his breathing was almost as if he'd nearly drowned and was desperately trying to hold on to life but his arousal was gone and he thanked a few deities.

He lazily looked to Draco who was sitting very still, a soft frown on his face as he looked at the other bottle on the chest of drawers. It took the Gryffindor a few moments before it clicked that the blonde was trying to decide whether or not to drink his, even though he obviously didn't want to. Harry nudged his foot at the closest part of the other boy, which was his leg.


"If you want, you can still …" Harry trailed off, not knowing how to say it without sounding like a full-blown whore. The phrase 'full-blown' drifted around his thoughts for awhile and he laughed softly, too drained to do anything else.

But Draco must have caught his meaning and was now shifting forward, his hands sliding under Harry's arse. He leaned right over, teasing the Gryffindor's lips with his tongue as one hand briefly moved up, his fingers drifted over the soft skin of Harry's chest. Another kiss and the hand moved back down as Draco lifted himself up on his knees again.

Harry let his lower body be raised up, completely off the bed and just relaxed his entire body when he felt Draco's erection sliding back inside. Even though he wanted to help, all his diminished energy level could manage was to wrap his legs around Draco's waist and wait to see if the blonde would be able to support his weight.

He could feel the strokes inside, the lovely tingles of friction and his eyes slipped mostly shut, just watching the blonde through slits. He could see the way the blonde head was held, slightly tipped back to stop hair from falling into grey eyes. The tongue that would glide out whenever the soft lips became to dry.

What Harry liked the most was how Draco had a perfect rhythm, right down to the orgasm. Twelve thrusts was all it took, and then it would repeat. Harry partially lay there, his head and shoulders still on the pillow, his spine curved as his body accommodated and his legs were doing their best to just hold on and not collapse. The fact was he couldn't do much else at the moment, but he could count. And Draco's rhythm was fascinating.

One, two, three and the blonde would suck air into his lungs, four, five, six, seven and the breath would be let out. Eight, nine and Draco would shift his knees further apart, just barely remembering to breathe, ten, eleven and the twelfth would be a little unsteady, Draco breathing out in a long rush, pausing to get oxygen back in as his knees came in closer again. Then it would start over.

The pleasure went on and Harry closed his eyes out of amazement when his body started to respond and he felt himself begin to harden.

"I think … I think I need mine. Potion." Draco could barely talk, as his breathing pattern became disrupted.

"Just a little longer." Harry whispered back, reaching down to stroke himself. "Please."

Fortunately for Draco, Harry didn't last very long this time around either. Harry mumbled something illegible, his body twisting where it lay and Draco groaned, reaching for the potion as the legs around his waist unfolded and let him move more freely. The potion was consumed hastily, Draco moving to lie by Harry's side.

They lay quietly for awhile, waiting for their breathing to regulate.

"You can have a shower here now, the slight trouble with mine has been fixed."

"I did wonder why you had to go to the public ones."

"Ghoul. First year Slytherins, a few weeks ago." Draco smiled coldly. "They're probably still serving their detentions."

Harry smiled but it faded after a few moments. "No more chocolate." He muttered in a sad tone. "You should get more."

"I was thinking about it." Draco scratched at his neck. "It certainly does seem worth the price."

Harry didn't want to know how much a set would cost, so he didn't ask.

"Of course, I'd have to get in contact with my supplier." Draco smirked, turning his head and leaning in for one last kiss, one that wasn't desperate or demanding.

Harry kissed him back, thinking it had a very different feel to all the others he'd received since turning up. But it was still nice.

Draco broke it off and returned to lying down. "You still taste faintly of chocolate. Yes, must owl him later. My dealer, I suppose. Sex drugs."

They both snickered.


Harry really liked the way Draco said that one word. He nodded, absently noticing that his feet were no longer cold and smiled. "Just let me know when."

Done. [In the next part … A new game :) ]

| 01) Thirteen Kisses | 02) Twelve Kisses... | 03) Eleven Stones | 04) Ten Touchers | 05) Nine Words | 06) Eight Sticks |

fic, gb_series

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