Thought some ppl might like to know a bit more about me.

Jun 09, 2004 14:21

1. Name: Carylic (can't say my real one cause ... well, there is a reason, but obviously can't say it.

2. If there were 3 wells (love, beauty, and creativity) and you could only drink from one of them, which one would you choose? Those aren't the same thing?

3. Do you wish on stars? I wish for stars ... pretty ones ... mmm Johnny

4. Which finger is your favorite? *once she manages to stop thinking smutty, she kills the snickering and looks at her hands* er, no idea. I like them all. I like how they help me to throw things at other ppl.

5. What is the most disgusting food you've ever eaten? Promite *shudders*

6. Would you kill someone? How much have they pissed me off?

7. When did you last cry? Er ... my grandfather's dog died, that was a sad day.

8. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play the lead? Well the only 'actress' that might suitably fit would prolly be Ricki Lake. As I have more talent in my fingers that I can't choose between than she has in all of her, I'd tell them to go to hell and that I could play me.

9. What TV show or movie TITLE best describes your life? Dead and loving it? *the snickers start up again* er, no ... how about ... hmmm ... SFW (not to be confused with SingleWhiteFemale ... though that does work to)

10. Do you like your handwriting? I like watching other ppl try to read it :D

11. Who are you jealous of? Moriavis, but I love her anyway.

12. What is your #1 priority in life? Spreading the good words of
MORI and

13. What is your favorite lunch meat? Spam!

14. Do you have any bad habits? Better yet, do I have any good ones?

15. Are you a friendly person? Prolly don't seem like it, but I do try, I really do.

16. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? I'm not even friends with me now!

17. Are you a daredevil? Depends on my mood.

18. How big was the biggest mango you ever had? I really hope you mean that in a non smutty way ... *shrugs* ppl measure these things?

19. Have you ever told a secret that you swore you wouldn't repeat? Don't think so. I rarely swear to never repeat.

20. What do you think is the most attractive animated character? Does Foamy count? He's so cute.

21. Do looks matter? Mine or yours?

22. Do you pray? No.

23. Have you ever met anyone famous? No.

24. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? I thought rainbows were 360 degrees and you just couldn't see the other half?

25. What are your biggest fears? Er, hm, I don't usually think about fear much ... maybe of being alone and bored when I die?

26. What do you do to vent anger? I write. Though sometimes I hits things or throw things.

27. Are you passive or aggressive? I can be both, it all depends.

28. Who is your idol? Certainly NOT Guy Sebastian *coughwankerwithbadhairwhocan'tsingcough*

29. Who is your second family? Prolly Astra, Dan, Mori (I'm sure she's thrilled :D) and Lilie (sweet, dear kind lil, so nice to chat to)

30. Do you trust others easily? hell no.

31. What was your favorite toy as a child? Er, I didn't have many toys. Oh, I had a bear, he's cute. Still got him.

32. What class in school do you think is totally useless? Home Ec (cooking and sewing ... oh please)

33. What is the punch-line to your favorite joke? You must be Snow White. (grins to all the DAAS fans out there)

34. Do you like sappy love songs? Nope.

35. Do you think your life so far has been good? Still here arn't I? About average.

36. Which was your best Halloween costume? We don't do Halloween in Australia. Well, some kids do, for the candy. But I never did.

37. Have you ever been on radio or television? No, but I'm sure I will when the cops trace me down :D

38. Do you keep a diary? No.

39. Have you ever intentionally hurt another person? Mentally, physically or emotionally? Guess it doesn't matter, yes to all three.

41. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Yeah.

42. Are you an overall happy person? Er ...

43. Do you feel understood most of the time? Um ...

44. Do you drink milk? They're are ppl out there who don't?

45. Would you rather have a sore throat or an upset stomach? Upset stomach. Sore throats a bitch when you want a smoke.

46. Have you ever thought seriously about committing suicide? Yeah.

47. What is the new saying that you've been using a lot? "I promise we won't get caught."

48. What time is it? 2:12 in the afternoon.

49. Do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer or in separate ones? Same, when I remember to put them away, otherwise, there's the closest they sit in.

50. Did you pay money to see "Honey I Shrunk The Kids"? No, our parents paid when they wanted a night off.

51. Would you rather be hot or cold? Cold ... I love the cold. I want snow damn it.

52. What is your favorite body type to cuddle with? Breathing one.

53. What was the best Christmas present you received? My mum bought me these really lovely tensel jeans

54. Could you be a vegetarian? Only if I was stranded and the only other option was to kill the cow myself. (I could kill a person though, I get too soft when it comes to animals.)

55. What is your favorite word to say when you think of something cool? "Shiny."

56. What band has the funniest name? Soft Cell (you so don't wanna know what I keep thinking)

57. Would you ever bungee jump? I was going to a few years back, but I was 3 months too young ... haven't had another chance since.

58. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? No. Never. Then you just have to tie them up again.

59. Who are your favorite white rappers? Okay, for a moment there I thought you meant chocolate wrappers ... and I don't listen to rap.

60. Would you rather wear uniforms to school? Gee, wonder if this is an american survey? :P In Australia, you have to.

61. Have you ever given money to a needy person? Yes.

62. What are you worried about right now? Why I can't seem to be writing anything.

63. Do you ever wear overalls? No.

64. Do you think you are strong (emotionally)? Strong? Maybe. Decisive? Prolly not.

66. Do you hate anyone? A few people, they know who they are.

67. Do you regret anything? Of course. If you don't regret something you're going about life all wrong.

68. Have you ever been in love? Yeah, but when it didn't work out it wasn't as devastating as I thought it was going to be.


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