Thirteen things about my childhood
Annie's list from last week inspired me to share some childhood memories of my own. Ah... good times. :)
- My favorite color was pink, if it came in pink, that’s the one I wanted.
- I wanted a cat desperately, but since I couldn’t have one, I liked to pretend I was a cat instead. I crawled around the house on my hands and knees, pausing occasionally to groom my face and meow at them. … My poor parents. J
- A few days before my kindergarten school pictures, I decided to cut bangs for myself with my mother’s cuticle scissors. My mom about had a heart attack. Needless to say, we had an emergency visit to the hair salon that weekend. They did the best they could to repair the damage.
- One of my favorite memories is of the maternal side of my family driving down to Florida to stay for a week at a house on the beach. There were nine of us, and we had such a great time.
- My parents used to “swing tuck” me into bed. One would grab my wrists, the other my ankles. Then, they would swing me back and forth and on the count of three they’d let go and drop me on the bed. I had sheet depicting the Muppets parachuting in a cloudy blue sky, so I like to pretend I was parachuting with them.
- Saturday morning was all about family. When I was little we’d go get donuts. When I reached high school age, it morphed into breakfast together at Perkins.
- I once got a black eye while fighting my “boyfriend’s” little brother. He’d made fun of one of my friends, and I didn’t like him picking on her.
- When I was in third grade, my favorite reading material was Greek Mythology and books about fairies. The books for my age group simply didn’t appeal.
- When I was in second grade, I broke my left femur (thigh bone), I missed the rest of the school year because I was in the hospital in traction for three weeks, and a body cast for another eight weeks.
- I took gymnastics for a while, but I think my hips were always too big because I could never get my legs to swing over properly.
- Until college, if you’d asked me what foreign country I wanted to visit, I would have told you France. I even wrote an extensive report on France during the sixth grade. Later, all my architecture/art/interior design classes convinced me that Italy was my destination of choice. Maybe some day I’ll make it to France, but I don’t believe it’s in my top five.
- I was not a picky eater, but the things I didn’t like were extremely common (white milk, onions), making visits to friends houses an adventure. I was taught I always had to at least try to eat what had been provided to me. Most of the time I was lucky.
- I decided I wanted to play the flute because the girls depicted on the plastic covering my new underwear played the flute. I always wanted to play the piccolo part in Stars and Stripes Forever. To my chagrin, I never properly learned to play 16th notes, and I ended up switching to the French horn. At that point, it seemed a better fit for my personality anyway.
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Shiloh Walker,
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