One unexpected day away from work, two boxes of Kleenex, and three ounces (of four) into a bottle of cough syrup later, I think I can safely say that I am tired of coughing.
I seem to cough less when I’m sitting up, so last night I slept in my big green chair (with ottoman). As a result, I only woke up once with a coughing fit (too hot due to kitty snuggling and my blanket), once with a nightmare about work, and I have a bit of a kink in the right side of my neck. I’m not sure the experiment was a success. I think I’m going to sleep in my bed tonight and I may take some night-time cold medicine while I’m at it.
Otherwise, I had a nice weekend. Friday was all about watching the NCAA basketball tournament, napping, and staying away from people. On Saturday, Jeff and I went to see
Hurricane on the Bayou (careful with the volume, there’s music) at the I-Max theatre in the Science Center and went to an Italian restaurant on the south side of town. Yes, it was St. Patrick’s Day, but honestly I’m glad we had a quiet evening. I never would have survived a bar or large crowds. I wore my green shirt and leprechaun socks and that’s about as festive as I felt. Yesterday’s highlight was food; I cooked a pork roast in the crock pot with some barbeque sauce, whipped up a batch of couscous and heated up some spinach. Yummy. J
This week’s musical obsession is Keane’s Everybody’s Changing. The lyrics aren’t timely or relevant to my life right now, but I heart the music. It’s gorgeous. I probably should have bought the whole album. I blame the cough syrup for my faulty logic.
So this week I’m probably not going to win any productivity awards since pushing myself to be hyper-efficient while sick is never a good idea. I’m looking forward to getting rid of this cold (fingers crossed), spending some time with some of my favorite people, getting in some more reading. Saturday promises some fun in the form of a party at
Heidi and
Dan’s house. They’re having an Easter egg dying and coloring book slumber party. I haven’t colored eggs or colored in a coloring book for far too long and it promises to be good fun.
Tonight I’m heading to Target and while I’m there I’m going to pick out some coloring books and I may even let myself splurge on a new box of bright, shiny Crayola crayons WITH sharpener. Sometimes you need to feed the child within.
Oh! And I have a music meme thingy from Dan to post tonight as well.
Oh, and one last thing, promise! Sunday night is the season three finale of Battlestar Galactica. (Insert geeky fangirl squee) It looks like they're building to another HUGE change in the direction of the show that, as usual, I’m just now recognizing they’ve been leading to since season one or two. It’s so much fun to go back and watch the shows from previous seasons when you know what’s happening later. You catch so many subtleties that you missed the first time when you were just taking it in. I should own seasons1, 2, and 2.5. Really, it’s silly that I don’t.
Hope everyone has a decent Monday!