[Introduction] Oh young Mariner...!

Dec 13, 2010 02:33

Hisoka hears the click of a boot heel on cement, and becomes aware that the feet are his own. His red-gold hair ruffles in the moving air, and moisture beads on it. A fine mist of icy rain is wafting over the terrace where he stands. He is dressed in a naval uniform of the late 1890s or early 1900s, a brass-buttoned jacket belted over well-fitting but rumpled trousers. On his collar are the bars of a first lieutenant. A heavy satchel hangs from his shoulder, and his katana is slung at his back. He draws in a deep breath, grateful for his existance.

To the north, here and there a pale blue sky is breaking through the shadow-bottomed, bright-topped layers of cloud, and the precipitation falls lightly and intermittantly. The moist wind on his face is profoundly refreshing, and yet there is a something sorrowful in its cold scent. Winter.

He gazes slowly around, taking his bearings. A forest, a house. Far down the slope, a lake. He picks up his sea bag, which he must have dropped at his feet when he arrived, and hefts it over the shoulder opposite the sword hilt, and steps across the walk and into the porch of the house. He pauses as he approaches the door, not sure whether to knock.

Name: Hisoka Kurosaki
Fandom: Yami no matsuei
Media: Anime and manga [Chapters 54-75 from a fan’s translation on the net]
Typist: greatlakeshaze
Other relevant info: Hisoka is taken from a little after the end of Chapter 75. The last thing he remembers from his own universe is Kurikara the Dragon King agreeing to be his shikigami, and then a hasty wrap-up of the matter at the palace in GenSouKai, the Imaginary World. Kurikara and Tsuzuki’s shikigamis were then compelled to turn their attention to another matter, GenSouKai's spacetime fabric was beginning to rift spontaneously and their world was on the brink of becoming dangerously unstable. I trumped up a reason for Hisoka to return to Meifu without Tsuzuki; Hisoka wanted to help, and he meant to ask Chief Konoe and Tatsumi to look up any information they might have on the history or structure of GenSouKai (which they were already doing, in the canon). But as Hisoka journeyed between the worlds, he was snatched out of the Yami no matsuei universe and into that of the first of his rpgs. That was two years and eight months ago, and in that time, his life has been packed with experiences. He is now twenty-one.
The first commenter acts as a welcoming committee. All following interactions are deemed later in the day, when the character is settled. These following interactions can be wherever you choose in the house or on the grounds.

zz:(dropped)armand st. just (musical), zz:(dropped)duck, merlin, titus groan, zz:(dropped)marguerite blakeney, feanor, galadriel, zz:(dropped)pasha antipov, zz:(dropped)the doctor (ten), zz:(dropped)armand st. just (novel), zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki, morgoth, mal reynolds, zz:(dropped)gellert grindelwald, helen curtis (m2), 11-12 (the prisoner), zz:(dropped)seras victoria, zz:(dropped)murata ken, pandora (rice), zz:(dropped)genkai, !introduction, zz:(dropped)utena tenjou, asato tsuzuki

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