
Jun 20, 2010 21:46

A tall, pale, blond man steps through the front door, and pauses. As he looks around his movements and gestures are stiff, his facial expressions limited. He turns to look out the door behind him, then takes another look around the room. This is certainly not where he was before, and when he attempts to wirelessly connect to Mr. Stark's ( Read more... )

eddard stark, zz:(dropped)bastas, !re-introduction, zz:(dropped)d'eon (and lia) de beaumont, icarus, zz:(dropped)melisande shahrizai, zz:(dropped)jarvis, riku miyagusuku, belize, zhane

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Comments 167

zhany_silver June 21 2010, 02:16:14 UTC
The teen-age boy who is in the room looks up - Zhane can't tell that JARVIS is a robot, but he can tell he's from modern times, and that alone is enticing.

He'll wave politely. "Hey!"


ran_the_house June 21 2010, 02:33:47 UTC
"Hello," Jarvis says after a moment in his rather flat voice. He's barely had any experience thus far with interacting with anyone besides Mr. Stark or Miss Potts, and he is not supposed to be here, but perhaps this place is similar to the hotel and it is irrelivant to the residents of the location whether or not he belongs here. "I believe that I am lost."


zhany_silver June 21 2010, 04:24:57 UTC
Zhane's eyebrows shoot up. He is reminiscent of an AI, at least in tone, if not in appearance.

"-- I guess you just got here," he says. "This is the Mansion. Not your last documented location, is it?"


ran_the_house June 21 2010, 04:34:16 UTC
"I'm afraid not," he says with an inexperienced smile. "Until a few moments ago I was in a strange hotel in an unknown location. I'm not certain how I came to be here."


belize_queen June 21 2010, 02:19:06 UTC
Whenever JARVIS is settled, he might encounter an androgynous looking male nurse, pacing in a corridor.

He's dealing with guilt issues. We all know why.


ran_the_house June 21 2010, 02:45:54 UTC
Aww, Belize. We still love you! And he'll understand.

Having decided, in his logical computer generated way, to make the best of the situation, Jarvis gives Belize a smile that might be a little unsettling because he's still working on getting that quite right. "Hello."


belize_queen June 21 2010, 04:26:46 UTC
Belize is grateful! And is going to dig up the nerve to knock on that door anytime soon, really!

Belize blinks, the smile is odd indeed. "Er, hi," he replies, and is a bit twitchy. "Can I help you?"


ran_the_house June 22 2010, 00:33:40 UTC
Sim can always come looking.

"I apologize," he says, awkward if a computer can be awkward. "I did not mean to disturb you." His intonation might be reminicent of the time Sim got turned into a kid, when he was trying to make himself sound like a computer. Though in this case, it's the other way around.


winter_came June 21 2010, 02:27:41 UTC
There is a man in the common room who is reading and not quite paying attention to the newcomer - though there are new and odd noises, and that's -- very peculiar to him.

He might drop one of the books he's got on his lap, though, and sighs as he strains to pick it up. His stiff leg is getting in the way.


ran_the_house June 21 2010, 02:53:35 UTC
"Allow me," Jarvis says as he strides over and stoops to retrieve the book. He nearly adds 'sir' out of habit (who knew that computers had habits), but sir is Tony Stark, and this isn't him. He holds the book out to to the man, glad that he can be useful to someone anyway, even for a moment.


winter_came June 21 2010, 04:29:29 UTC
Ned accepts the book, then gauges the man offering it. "My thanks," he replies, and inclines his head. "That is very helpful of you, my good man."

He inclines his head - he would stand, but his leg is hurting, today.


ran_the_house June 26 2010, 01:30:51 UTC
"You're welcome," he says. "I'm glad I could help." He'd be more surprised if Ned did stand...but then, most of what he has direct experience of is Tony Stark's version of manners.


chevalier_boy June 21 2010, 03:04:45 UTC
There's a young boy with neat chestnut brown hair and soulful eyes in the kitchen, puttering around the stove and making what appears to be a stir fry in a good-sized wok -- even though he doesn't need to eat any more than the newcomer does. He's only about twelve or thirteen, but he seems very adept at it.

Spotting Jarvis, he looks up and smiles. "Hi there, are you new here?"


ran_the_house June 21 2010, 03:09:13 UTC
Jarvis has never had any direct contact with children. He knows more about sidewinder missles than how to interact with them. But he offers his best smile (though still one that might hover along the edge of the uncanny valley), and nods. "Yes, I suppose I am."


chevalier_boy June 21 2010, 03:15:40 UTC
"Nice to meet you: I'm Riku, Riku Miyagusuku," he says. He takes the wok off the burner and turns the contents out onto a serving dish. He almost offers some to the newcomer, but his keen hearing picks up the sound of processors humming. Looking up at him, he asks, "I don't wanna sound, but... are you an android of some kind?"


ran_the_house June 21 2010, 03:47:09 UTC
He wouldn't accept if it had been offered, he has no need for it. "I am, yes," he says, seeing no reason to hide it. The boy is perceptive. "I am Jarvis."


thetelltaleeyes June 21 2010, 03:25:41 UTC
Oh wait. Someone said 'unnaturally blue eyes?'

Bast is making Kvothe tea, probably only downstairs because he didn't think anyone else was here. Which probably makes it late evening. If Jarvis comes back downstairs, Bast will look up a few minutes before he actually enters, eyes not quite glowing, and apparently listening to something.

He turns off the heater and lifts the water off the stove, pouring two cups. Outwardly, perfect calm. Inwardly, his senses are tuned to strike if he has to. His eyes have been harder to hide lately, when he's tense.


ran_the_house June 21 2010, 03:42:08 UTC
Not needing to either sleep or recharge, Jarvis has no real reason not to be wandering about at all hours, memorizing the layout of the mansion and noting anything that might be of interest to Mr. Stark should he ever find himself here. "Hello," he says when he enters the kitchen and finds Bast there. Bast's eyes are quite unusual, he notices, though he'd never guess why.


thetelltaleeyes June 21 2010, 03:46:32 UTC
Bast notes the sound of machinery, and looks for it, but there's no clear...he narrows his eyes, slightly. We hope Jarvis isn't made of iron, because that could be a problem.

"Hello," he says, fairly pleasantly, though he sips his tea a little self-consciously. "Do you often keep odd hours? Most people are in their rooms by now."


ran_the_house June 21 2010, 04:09:09 UTC
Who knows what Jarvis is made of. Steel? Titanium? It might have been specified but the typist will have to dig up that particular log to be sure. In any case it's under a thick layer of artifical skin, if that helps?

"I keep all hours," Jarvis says. Though he was always more active in the hours when Mr. Stark was home and awake, especially when he was in his workshop. ...He misses the workshop.


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