Damn it, Phil Harris. Now I'm all sad.

Sep 29, 2010 08:02

I confess that I still have not watched the last half of season 6. Does that make me kind of a wuss? Yes. Am I prepared to admit it? Obviously. But in light of recent shenanigans, mostly surrounding that idiot Jonathan and his dumb brother, I feel as though I should catch up.

In case you haven't heard what they're up to, you can read about it here. It's too convoluted and I am too tired to summarize more than to say they are entitled morons who apparently do not understand the concept of 'contractual obligation'. Not everything is personal, guys.

I can't really say I'm surprised to see Sig bail in solidarity. I think he's been tired of it for awhile and this is just a convenient way out. I'm curious what's going to happen with his crew, for obvious reasons. Will the Cornelia Marie crew even be back? What about Jake Harris' legal issues? In my wildest dreams Jake Anderson bails on Sig and joins the CM crew, but I am a (mostly) rational person and I know better than to think that's going to happen for real. The likeliest scenario is that we'll get all new crews next season and the show will lose some fans. Pity.

I still feel kind of creepy about writing RPS, given Phil's passing and all, but I will probably get over it? I do love those two idiots, even if I won't get to see them on TV anymore.

(I did actually start a post-Phil's death fic awhile back. It's only two paragraphs and change so far, but it's a solid beginning. I should finish that sometime. I should probably take a break from the Glee fic anyway.)

Ugh. Stupid complicated problems to deal with at work. DNW. Am tempted to be irresponsible for a second day in a row and just write fic instead.

deadliest catch

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