Fic: a little more time to kill (Deadliest Catch, Jake A./Josh H., NC17)

Sep 29, 2010 22:04

Title: a little more time to kill
Fandom: Deadliest Catch
Pairing: Jake Anderson/Josh Harris
Rating: NC17
Summary: Josh doesn't have anything left to give. Good thing Jake's not asking. 3242 words.
A/N: This fic deals with Phil Harris' death, which happened in canon during season six. I didn't feel that creepy about it until I got to the last bit of conversation, but then I couldn't bring myself to cut it, so there you go. I'm a creeper. I think you probably already knew that. The ending references a scene from the end of this fic, which I wrote as a New Year's Resolution for Yuletide 2009.

( They don't talk about it. )

fic: deadliest catch, fic: rps, deadliest catch, fic, jake/josh

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