me and my crazy brain

May 11, 2009 10:32

So my writing prompt community is still trucking along, mainly because I promised myself I would not skip a day under any circumstances (over 100 followers! I'm excited). I have cut it close a few times when I've gotten busy and forgotten, and I've had to scrape the bottom of the prompt barrel more than once, but I'm still doing it, and it's still growing, and that's awesome.

Anyway, for today's picture prompt I randomly happened upon this image. And it has spawned the CRAZIEST, bizarro-world AU involving Nick and Greg and key parties, and suddenly I want to write key party fic. Bad. In more than one fandom, even. Like I have time for that.

I really, really don't have time for that. But I do have time to turn it into a meme of sorts. Feel free to leave your own key party commentfic if you like. Or give me some characters and I'll see what I can do while I'm at work. The prompt is keys, of course, but whatever other specifics you wanted to throw in there might be fun.


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