Fic post #1: untitled Bones ficlet (Wendell/Hodgins, PG13)

May 11, 2009 23:00

People left some great key party comment fics in my last post ( which you should totally check out), and since it was my idea, I felt I should contribute something of my own. I didn't write the CSI fic, because that's going to have to be long to do it justice, and I have to do actual work at work this week. Well, through tomorrow night, anyway, but once I'm done teaching my class my week is more or less over, so I will have plenty of writing time starting Wednesday. For now, though, I have two ficlets. Well, one ficlet and an actual fic, because one of them got way out of hand and I had to break them into two posts. I hate to spam you, but it couldn't be helped.

Ficlet the first is Bones, set in the Wendell/Hodgins reboot 'verse, which is based on the canonical date they went on at the end of episode 4x20. (Shut up, it was totally a date.) cinderlily got the ball rolling here, so technically I am borrowing from her fanon. I promise you she doesn't mind. Wendell/Hodgins, ~670 words, PG13 for innuendo (and because I'm lazy.)

"A key party? Really?"

"It's not like it was my idea," Wendell said, but he was laughing right along with Jack. "I'm pretty sure it was Grace's last-ditch effort to seduce me."

Jack turned his head so he could see Wendell's profile, face red against the white pillowcase. The blush traveled all the way down the center of his chest, disappearing under the sheet resting just above his hips. He had one arm behind his head, but the one closest to Jack was worrying the edge of the sheet. Jack reached down and closed his hand over Wendell's, watching as their fingers threaded together to rest against the sheet. Instantly Wendell relaxed, sliding just a little further down the pillow and looking over at Jack.

"Why didn't you just tell her you were gay in the first place?"

Wendell shrugged and looked down at their hands. His thumb was moving against Jack's skin, sending little ripples of pleasure down Jack's spine with every stroke. "She was a good lab partner. I mean, I knew she was into me pretty much from the start. Subtlety isn't exactly Grace's thing."

"No kidding," Jack said, grinning at Wendell's laugh.

"Anyway, Grace was the first friend I made in D.C. I guess I figured if she knew it was never going to happen, she wouldn't want to hang out anymore."

"So you strung her along until she got desperate enough to throw a key party?"

Wendell flushed an even deeper shade of red at that, glaring at Jack with a sort of betrayed expression, and Jack had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. He let go of Wendell's hand and reached out, resting his palm on Wendell's chest to feel the heat rising off his skin. He let his hand trail down Wendell's chest to his stomach, fingers tracing the hard muscle there. And it was still a little...weird, reaching out to touch and meeting solid muscle instead of the soft curves of a woman's body. He was still surprised by how turned on he was by this -- by Wendell -- but Wendell was pretty patient with Jack's exploring hands, so it worked out. He smiled at the thought and inched a little closer, thighs pressed together under the sheet and sliding his leg over Wendell's.

"I didn't string her along. I didn't mean to, anyway," Wendell said, his hand sliding into Jack's hair to tug at his curls. "I just...didn't say anything. But when she pulled my dorm room key out of the bowl I didn't really have a choice."

"How'd she take it?"

"Pretty well, actually. I think she was relieved that it wasn't just that I wasn't attracted to her."

Jack smiled at that, because he knew the feeling. There was a time when he sort of hoped that Angela's fling with Roxie meant that she wasn't capable of really falling for a guy, but he knew better. Still, he understood exactly where Grace was coming from. Then again, now that he had Wendell, he understood where Angela was coming from too. And it wasn't like he'd ever been all that hung up on gender identity or any of that stuff; he was a scientist, and he knew all about biology and the ability to adapt to new situations. But he'd never thought much about it before, and now that he'd adapted to this situation, he understood a lot better why things with Angela had gone so wrong.

"Jack? You alright, man?" Wendell said, and Jack blinked and looked up to find Wendell watching him. He wasn't blushing anymore, which meant that Jack had spaced out long enough for Wendell to notice. Long enough for him to worry, and there wasn't much Jack could do about the fact that he still worried, but he knew one thing that usually helped.

"Fine," Jack answered, reaching up to slide a hand behind Wendell's neck and pull him forward. "Never better," he murmured against Wendell's mouth, swallowing Wendell's answer with a kiss.


Bonus: Matt Nathanson -- Starfish and Coffee, mainly for cinderlily, in case she doesn't have it (though it's entirely possible that I got it from you in the first place, who can say), because it is totally a 'Wendell sings this to the kids and dances like an idiot' song.

fic: bones, bones, fic

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