Thursday night TV: Nick's dorky wardrobe edition

May 07, 2009 22:01

Bones: Jesus. I knew I shouldn't have watched this episode. It's worse than I thought. She suddenly decides she wants a kid because of word association? I just...I can't even. I can't. I should change the channel.

I still haven't changed the channel. I see that Wendell is NOT around to make up for this otherwise ridiculous exercise. I think I'll just spend my hour imagining Wendell and Jack's second* date, wherein Hodgins fills Wendell in on the ridiculousness around the lab, including Bones' total lack of mothering instincts, and Wendell laughs and laughs. Then they talk about kids and parenting and Wendell mentions how he'd like to give it a try someday, and Hodgins finds himself sort of charmed but he doesn't really understand why because they're just buds, right, of course. Just a couple guys hanging out and having some beers, and if Wendell grins at him a lot and laughs under his breath for no reason, well, scientists are weird. Hodgins knows that better than anyone.

Oh, it's as bad as I expected it to be. Worse, actually. I had kind of hoped that Booth would hallucinate Stewie Griffin after hitting his head or something, but no. They just treat his character like a complete idiot, as usual. Classy.

Also, I cannot believe they think that anyone in their audience would buy that Booth could have a kid with someone he sees every day, then just divorce himself completely from its upbringing. He's already got a kid who he's very involved with, of course he wouldn't be able to disconnect emotionally that wya. If he could he wouldn't be the same person we've gotten to know over the past four years. So why do the writers think we'd ever buy that? They try to sell us a lot of crap, granted, but that's pretty bad, even for them.

Back to my happy place! Another thing that Hodgins likes, though he does not understand why, is when Wendell says, just in passing, that he thinks Hodgins would be a good dad. Not that Wendell's even entertaining that possibility at this point, because hell, second non-date, for one thing, and he's still busy telling himself that Hodgins is straight. But he does think Hodgins would be a good dad, because Wendell really is good at reading people, and he can see that Hodgins is loyal and willing to fight for the people he loves. In fact, that's the reason Wendell likes him so much in spite of the fact that he's a cynic and has a tendency to be kind of an asshole sometimes.

Then Hodgins mentions some experiment he did with some other geek-of-the-week (I can't remember the name of the emo one that's on this week), and Wendell complains that Hodgins is experimenting with other grad students, and that's confusing too, because it's his job, but he kind of digs the fact that Wendell's jealous. Then Wendell asks for details about the watermelon experiment, and the jealousy's gone, leaving Hodgins feeling sort of off-center while he explains what they were trying to prove. And how they got watermelon all over Cam, which Wendell thinks is hilarious, of course. And Hodgins realizes that he's enjoying Wendell's smile a lot more than he ever expected to.

Which freaks him out a little, because it makes him question a lot of things about himself that he's always taken for granted, but he's a scientist, so he's willing to take a pragmatic approach. Which makes it a little easier when he wakes up in the middle of the night from a dream in which his guy date with Wendell ends a lot differently than it did in reality.

Okay, the first cartoon hallucination was one thing, but the second one was just frigging ridiculous. God, this show. I get that they've been building up to this all season and everything, but did it have to be so stupid? Well, considering all of season three, yes, I guess it did. And then they harsh my only happy place with Angela/Hodgins. I definitely should have changed the channel. Yet I'm still hanging in there in the hopes that they'll finally, finally get Booth/Brennan right. And they freaking made me cry. Oh my God, how I hate this show.

Next week: I swear I caught a glimpse of Wendell when the announcer said the words 'the crew'. At least there's only one more week of torture.

* In this scenario their first date is the one we saw onscreen, where they were chaperoned by all of Wendell's girlfriends and Hodgins didn't know it was a date. SO. CUTE. I mean, they gave us that, and then they give us...this sad excuse for a plot. This is worse than any torture CSI ever put me through.


CSI: I missed Catherine's story about her 'Romeo' because I was fixing a protein shake*. I'm sure whatever she said wasn't important. Something about dating a biker? That's my guess.

The actor who played Jackass was also in "Chasing the Bus", which is the episode that made me fall in love with Nick/Greg. Aw. Full circle!

Okay, okay, the Wendy/Hodges is a little sweet. And the headbutt made me LOL.

And tonight it's Nick who gets no screen time until halfway through. Unless I missed him while I was mixing protein, but I wasn't gone that long. And really, he usually gets the most screen time after Catherine and Ray, so it was sort of his turn. And he's wearing one of those hideous shirts of his! Awesome. I bet Greg teases him by calling him 'Cowboy' when he wears that thing. Whichs leads to lots of hilariously dorky euphemisms when Greg's peeling it off him later, which is why Nick wears it in the first place.

I've always thought Ally Walker's delivery was kind of weird. I don't think it's that surprising that she hasn't done much since The Profiler, is what I'm saying.

Aw, Brass had an affair. Though I imagine he handled their break-up badly because he was just rebounding from Sophia dropping off the face of the earth. Oh, what I wouldn't give for an epic, heartbreaking Brass/Sophia fic.

Sex!Vest! My favorite character! Sex!Vest over the ugly plaid shirt = even better.

Just for a second I almost believed that it was going to be Greg riding up on that bike. We all would have heard the fangirl squees the world over. Alas, the writers do not love us. And they want to make sure Laurence is earning his enormous paycheck.

Oh, Nick and Greg setting up a reenactment together. The way Nick says the word 'girlfriend' is kind of hilarious. And then they get the trauma of watching a cop blow up. I've been waiting all day for that! Hooray explosions and trauma that is not life-threatening for either of my boys. Then they got to talk to each other! And be all professional and smart with the science-y talk. I might die from happiness.

Then, of course, Nick is banished to the morgue while Greg is left behind with the rest of the team. But for a few glorious moments, they were alone together. I wonder how hard Greg had to finagle the schedule to manage a little face time with his guy in the middle of a case. Or maybe Nick got the assignment and tracked Greg down, laughed at another cowboy joke, and then told Greg to saddle up because they were headed into the field to do a little experiment. Needless to say, he didn't have to ask twice. Though he did regret it slightly when he heard one too many saddle jokes on the drive over.

(Why do they keep trying to suck me back into Miami by pretending they're going to kill off the new guy? I'm never falling for it, writers. You will never get me again. I may fall for Nick and Greg over and over, but there's nothing left for my on Miami. You'll never take me alive!)

Next week: Aw, season finale. I'll miss this stupid show over the summer**.

* Low carb whey protein + water does not a delicious evening snack make. Hooray low carb dieting.
** I can't effing believe I got sucked back in. If I find myself catching up with seasons 6-8 over the summer...well, I don't know what, but somebody's going to be in trouble. (Hint: It'll probably be me.)


I want to stay up to watch Nick be hot in the rerun of episode 9x06, but I have to get up early and work out before work. And I really have to get to work on time tomorrow because it's staff meeting day. Fucking staff meetings. Oh, well. Maybe the fic fairy will deliver a little Brass/Sophia or Garcia/ice cream fic while I'm sleeping. What? It could happen. It's not going to, but it could.

ETA: Can't sleep, of course. So effing itchy. Shouldn't this rash be settling down by now?

subtext, csi, bones

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