And I only watch porn for the storylines.

May 28, 2007 20:46

You know how I love it when fandoms collide, right? Well, imagine my glee when I happened over to Eric Szmanda's current web project only to discover this. Sam Page, aka Chris from David DeCoteau's The Brotherhood! Doing the wackiest impression of a vaguely gay, lime green-suited, Easter egg hiding pimp I have ever seen. Not that I've ever seen anything like any of the stuff on Secret Fun Time Before, which just proves my theory that a) Szmanda is on crack, and b) the George/Eric break-up was inevitable*.

Perhaps the best part is that they filked Jesus Christ Superstar. Szmanda involved in a fannish project sort of. And SGA fandom thinks David Hewlett's the only actor going around being self-referential.

And as though that wasn't enough to make my little fangirl heart sing, Jeremy Sisto did some guest spots on Secret Fun Time as well. Jeremy Sisto, in case you didn't know, played T.K. in Suicide Kings, another fandom about which I have written a lot of fic. And by a lot, I mean A LOT. (He's looking really bad these days. Like T.K. would after a couple failed marriages to those airheaded girls he likes and a few more years of hard drugs.)

Honestly, the only way it could be a better fandom collision would be if Brandon Quinn somehow made his way on there. And since he's been on CSI, that's not really so far out of the realm of possibility. Just saying.

* I could write countless Mb of George/Eric RPS, but it would all end in angsty, angsty break-up, and Secret Fun Time illustrates exactly why. If Dope Ass Warrior is the kind of project Eric dreams up to executive produce while George is off becoming a European L'Oreal spokesmodel, clearly they are not at the same place in their lives. Doomed love! ::emo tear:: It's so tragic. And that's why I stick to fanfic.

easter egg hiding tips

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