Ficlets: Newsies, CSI, Forsaken, Suicide Kings

Jun 25, 2007 20:47

Today, in list form:

+ My cat tried to kill the new kitten. Poor baby, she was crying so piteously and I thought she would have a little kitty heart attack. It was horrible. All she wants to do is come out and be cute and lovable, and Annie is just vicious. I might have to foist one of them off on my parents.

+ Some guy came to the reference desk for legal help, which happens all the time even though we can't give legal help (like I would know how anyway). He mentioned a child so I asked if it was a custody case and he said 'much worse' in this tone, and then he mentioned Megan's Law and I threw up in my mouth a little. I just don't want to know, because I'm sure whatever he meant, it's awful. The people who come into my library are so skeevy. Some days I really want to go back to Florida.

+ Speaking of work, every once in awhile we get a letter from a prisoner asking for reference help. They don't have internet access at the prisons around here so they have to write to us, and when they do I get to answer their letters. Usually they're boring, innocuous questions, but today's prisoner letter was some guy asking for reviews and the sales statistics for this book. It's the true story of the murder of a woman as told by her sister, who was also a victim of domestic violence. And the prisoner writing the letter? The killer. I think my blood actually ran cold for the first time in my life when I figured that out. We provide reference service to everyone regardless of their motivations for asking and all, but corresponding with murderers is just creepy. I don't get how those prison groupies do it.

+ My stitches really itch. Thank God they're coming out tomorrow (I hope).

The whole point of this post, aside from the whining, is so that I can gather links to the comment fic I've posted around people's journals this week, because I have this thing where I write something and then a month later decide to go back and write more of it, and I can't find it. Because I'm lame and don't update my website. So links in my journal it is.

Newsies snippet, Jack/David, vaudeville and cobblestones.

CSI Road Trip AU snippet, Greg's POV.

CSI snippet, Nick/Greg, keyboard imprints.

Forsaken snippet, Nick/Sean, hunger.

Forsaken snippet, Nick/Sean, curtainfic (sort of).

Suicide Kings snippet, Brett, Avery's got a hickey.

I still owe Mickey/Jake fic to goldatamera, but so far inspiration has not struck. Maybe tomorrow.

On the plus side, the carrot cake I made for work was a big hit. And I didn't drop it on the way in, though it was kind of a close call for awhile there.

newsies, boring rl stuff, ficlets, fic, fic: sk, memes, fic: forsaken, fic: csi, fic: newsies, csi, forsaken, suicide kings

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