Title: There's A Calm Surrender
frances_veritasRating: Eventual NC17
Disclaimer: I disclaim owning anything and everything. Thanks, ATWT and Disney!
Characters: Luke/Noah, Damian, Casey, Alison, Lily, many many others
Word Count: 46,490
Warnings: Characters deaths. For real. Two of 'em. (NOT NOT NOT Luke or Noah, though. There is a happy ending!), Deviation from canon (story starts with canon from summer 2009), Angst, Multiple Flashbacks
Summary: When his dad is killed and he thinks it’s his fault, Luke runs away from his home and his family- and Noah. Years later, he reappears in a very changed Oakdale to right the wrongs he left behind.
A/N: Thank you thank you THANK YOU to my awesome artist and confidante and gif-maker Moey. Awesome is a very silly, ineffective word, because her art is
THIS. And it is capslock-keysmash-worthy. It's amazing. Beautiful. Wonderful. Go forth and look and enjoy and comment. Seriously, I'll wait here. ... ... Okay, back? Yay. Also thanks to
ladysonsie for her substantial support, and big huge thanks to the BB mods for their hard work, and to everyone for participating and/or reading! Yay!
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