Torchwood 1x07

Nov 27, 2006 11:39

So, this episode went a little overboard with the melodrama, didn't it?

Just last week I was complaining how we still don't know pretty much anything about Tosh. Well, I got what I wanted, only in a slightly moronic way. Because really, Toshiko, a mysterious woman turns up, knows everything about you and the secret government agency you work for, gives you a mind-reading necklace and you just trust her like that? Come on. You might want some evidence before you take her word for it. You don't think she might be manipulating you? I just can't believe anyone with her work history would be that naive.

Gwen suddenly turning into a giggly teenager over Owen was another wtf. Writers of the show, please don't make me stab you you, ok? But I still liked how random everyone's thoughts were when Tosh was using the necklace. Except Ianto's grief monologue. He might've written that in his diary in the middle of the night sobbing over his dear departed psychotic girlfriend, but no one really thinks like that.

And I can't believe Gwen and Tosh would both be hung up on Owen like that. There hasn't been any obvious chemistry between Tosh and Owen and now we're supposed to believe she's in love with him? Please. I like Owen for drama-creating purposes but in real life I'd be more likely to want to punch him. If you have to have a crush on someone, then why is no one picking Captain Jack? He gets all the best lines anyway. *g* "So you secretly fight crime?"

So Tosh, you've been sleeping with a glowy alien who has tentacle hair. What's your reaction? "So, I'm shagging a woman and an alien." "Which is worse?" "I know which one my parents would say." But she still believes her.

I didn't really care for the mexican stand-off bit. Lots of clumsy exposition and everyone standing around staring at the crazy alien talking. *yawns*

"You killed her" "Yes!" Go Jack!

I liked Gwen in the end. At least they're acknowledging that it's not all sunshine and roses for her. And Tosh's conversation with Jack. At least him wondering what normal bosses do in situations like this. "Do I get to beat people?" *g* But I have to wonder what all the Jack fans thought of the episode (and all the others)? They're not really showing any new sides of him. He just seems to spend a lot of time brooding over the Cardiff skyline and pops in for a clever joke every so often. And why is it that Jack's the one who kills off all the enemies? They keep throwing all these little hints about the mystery of his existence but I don't really think they've got any of the answers figured out. It might annoy me if I'd got into the show just for Jack. But as it is, I'm enjoying the show even despite the disappointing amount of emo present this week.

In conclusion: They all have phenomenally bad taste in lovers.

PS. So, Owen's pins. One that says GO DEM and another something SUBS. Can anyone get a closer look?


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