CHALLENGE #24: Dearly Departed

Apr 28, 2015 11:53

CHALLENGE #24: Dearly Departed

Description Write an obituary for a character, either one from an existing fandom or a character you create. You can kill them off now, jump ahead to when they're ninety, or pick someone who's already dead; whatever you like. If you're looking for inspiration, check out the obituaries at The New York Times.

Points 5 ( Read more... )

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Comments 42

skieswideopen April 28 2015, 15:54:13 UTC

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philstar22 April 28 2015, 15:57:38 UTC
This is awesome.


skieswideopen April 28 2015, 15:59:27 UTC
:D I'm glad you like it!


philstar22 April 28 2015, 16:03:14 UTC
Oh, do they have to stay dead?


blue_sunflowers April 30 2015, 04:04:10 UTC
Fandom: Lost
Character: Charlie Pace
Warnings: I fucking hate Darlton
Word Count: 1144

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seraphina_snape May 3 2015, 05:52:31 UTC
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Character: Buffy Summers
Warnings: n/a
Word Count: 263

[Buffy Summers]Buffy Elizabeth Summers, beloved sister and friend

This obituary will never see the light of day. It will stay locked up in my dresser drawer until the Buffybot is too badly damaged to keep up with the charade of being you, at which time I will take it, edit it and send it out. Until then, however, you are not dead (officially) and we are not allowed to mourn (officially). It doesn't stop us, naturally, and so I find myself writing this.

I've known Buffy for five years. Five years in which she was my best friend - no, more than that. Buffy was my sister in every way but blood. She shared my highs and my lows, my joy and my sorrow. She encouraged me and supported me and she accepted me and loved me just the way I am.

Buffy was a hero. A true hero. The kind that nobody much realizes is a hero until she ended up saving them. Our old high school class figured it out, even though they didn't know the how and the why, and a few people at college
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littlemissnovel May 3 2015, 21:55:25 UTC
I really love your eulogy for Erica, it's so in-character. I feel like she would have wrote to Derek and Boyd to not blame the fact that she died and that it's their faults.


seraphina_snape May 6 2015, 04:05:48 UTC
Thank you! I'm still kind of mad that we didn't get any kind of closure on her death, so this challenge was a good way to play around with it.


wagrobanite May 3 2015, 23:52:01 UTC
Fandom: The Good Wife
Character: Will Gardner
Warnings: none

Fandom: None... real life person
Character: Louisa May Alcott
Warnings: none

Total Word Count: 258

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skieswideopen May 4 2015, 03:36:00 UTC
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Character: John Sheppard
Warnings: N/A beyond the obvious character death
Word Count: 259

[John Sheppard]John Sheppard, the USAF colonel best known for his participation in the Stargate program, died on Monday during a mission in the Pegasus Galaxy... )


erinm_4600 May 4 2015, 23:58:45 UTC
Aww. Poor Lillian ♥


skieswideopen May 5 2015, 03:05:23 UTC
I felt a little bad doing that to her. Next time I'll have her found a bright future instead!


erinm_4600 May 5 2015, 03:15:27 UTC
But, with what we know... totally believable. <3


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