I told You So, Part umteenth-hundred

Nov 25, 2013 17:40

...and I quote, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan."

From 2008 through 2010

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Calling our bureaucrat-in-chief a liar is unfair to the deliberately deceptive. This bozo belongs to the class of self-satisfied "intellectuals" who imagine that just because they can give a speech about something, it magically makes it so. It's pretty common mindset amongst Big Hollywood and the nomenclatura of the Academy (And explains why their brand of leftism is so eye-rollingly unrealistic: I sat next to one of the breed at a convention panel who wondered, all innocence, "why so many people have a problem with Communism?" No joke.) Those of us old and grey enough not to get our news from the Jon Stewart show (or the idiot box in general) tried to explain, over and over again that Senator "I voted present" was too clueless to be good at anything, much less being Chief Executive of the United States of America. Try to imagine Mr. Obama running, say your local hardware store, or pizza joint. Yep.

Ah well, we get what we deserve, I suppose. My (public employee) union is sending out e-mail telling us how to propagandize our families at the Thanksgiving dinner table about Obamacare.

hattip to johncwright

rampageous opinionation

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