Or We Could Just Stop Listening to Them...

Oct 29, 2013 09:20

Seriously, Academics: you have so much unnecessary blood on your hands. In anything like a just world there'd be mobs of outraged Occupy Academe (or something more stupid-sounding. These are hoi polloi) turning campus fields and ivied halls into disease-ridden cess-pits instead of strugging cities.

Just once, could you put reality and reason ahead of tenure and the adulation of your peers?

Murder Incorporated and Paul Ehrlich both pretend, absurdly, that Earth is like a lifeboat with a fixed amount of supplies. Oh, no! What will happen if we run out of whales!?! We will have no whale oil to light our homes with oil lamps, no whale bones for buggy whips or for corset stays! What will happen if we run out of tin to make tin foil and tin cans?!?
The problem is purely political. People are starving in the areas of the world run by barbarians, warlords, thugs, or those over-civilized friends of barbarians, socialists. That is what causes starvation. That is what causes overpopulation and it is the only thing that causes overpopulation.

If you want to prevent starvation, shoot a socialist. ~ johncwright

rampageous opinionation

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