Feb 11, 2009 14:25
I think I just might be one step closer to that padded room.
A few days ago I had a very strange thing happen. Yes even strange by the standards of Ash. It's a bit hard to describe but it's sort of like every emotion a person could have all fired at the same time for a second or two. Not a very fun time because I guess the best way to explain the feeling is imagine if someone could set off a flash grenade inside your head. Yea it was rather like that.
Then there is the problem with sleeping. Well not so much the sleeping as the waking up. But at least it's not a new problem. The problem is though that sometimes I'm fairly sure I've woke up only I haven't actually woken up I'm still asleep and I'm dreaming that I'm awake. Isn't really helped by I seem to be one of those strange people who dream in color. So I have periods where I wake up and have to wonder the Who, What, Where, and When. The Why has never really mattered to me. It's rather odd though waking up and not knowing who you are, where you are, or even what year it should be.
The machine at work was determined as hell not to do the things I wanted it to do so even though we only worked 16 hours this week, my gods it felt like the week was never going to end.
Guess there is that part of me that also dreads the actual end of this week since it will then be official that Season 3 is the last season of Transformers Animated and I have a really bad feeling that Hasbro will have nothing but movie stuff for Toy Fair this year to get me down even more. Although maybe I should look on the bright side because the leaks of some of the GI Joe movie vehicle toys don't look that bad so maybe Hasbro hasn't totally tossed me out in the cold.