Oct 02, 2008 12:28
Or at least Mars is about the only place I can think of without humans and getting away from humans seems to be about the only way to get away from stupid. I mean I don't mind a bit of stupid because everyone likes a good laugh at how stupid people can be, but my gods you get stupid left and right then the crap stops being funny.
They are coming up with such stupid shit at work that I've been asking what is the next Forrest Gump plan coming down the pipe. Busy work is bad enough to begin with but when you throw loads and loads of stupid in the mix then busy work becomes hell work. Hell I was glad to see an annoying order for some annoying bolts just so I could stop with all the Forrest Gump plans to keep me busy.
While I normally love the political stuff I just can't watch the political stuff any more because the Palin defenders are reaching really deep into the retard jar to pull something out of their ass to make it seem like maybe she's not that bad. Somehow it's all the liberal media's fault. What the smegging hell are they talking about. Post convention the media was crazy over this new person on the stage that no one knew anything about. It's really not a reporter's fault if Palin gives insane answers to questions a person going for the top office should know.
Even family stuff is getting insanely stupid. I've got to somehow find my mother a better job because the minimum wage part time job at Family Dollar is doing nothing but screwing up any plans we might ever make and she's not even getting insurance out of it so after gas and food she's really not making anything at all. Step-dad had his stroke so that makes it hard for me to find him a job. It's just a whole lot of fail that somehow I get into helping them dig out of so family plans can go back to normal. Then my weekend is still rather FUBAR as I sort threw the family problems to get to my own darn life.