The Acorn Really Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree--

Oct 06, 2011 23:03

I had one of the most delightful experiences yesterday (well, for certain values of "delightful"). I was talking to my dad, and for one brief shining moment, I got to experience what it's like to see fannish behaviour from the outside.

Fringe is one of those shows that I love, but am not really moved to participate in the fandom. (I think it's because I love it just the way it is.) I will totally talk about it and dissect it to pieces, however. ...And go on and on about how The X-Files made shows like Fringe, Supernatural and Sanctuary possible, although that's just bonus geekery. ^_~ Yesterday, I mentioned to Dad that I'd caught up with it for the week, and he said he wasn't watching this season. At least, not yet.

Tsk. It's exactly the kind of sci-fi my dad likes, when he is interested in sci-fi. (He's more of a realistic fiction/action/adventure/spy guy.) I told him he should, and... he gave me an answer why he wasn't that was worthy of any hard core fan of any series ever:

"There's no Peter."

Apparently, without his favourite character, he's just not that interested. And it turns out he's had this conversation with a friend, who is also not watching because THERE IS NO PETER! *snort* It was like... it was like watching Castiel fans from the outside instead of being one. BRING BACK CASTIEL, YOU BASTARDS! *shakes fist*

I admit it, I laughed. And then tried to explain that Peter wasn't there, but he sort of was, and of course he was coming back, but no dice. There will be no watching until Peter is once again fully present on the show! ...It was like every conversation about Favourite Character X ever. *snicker*

...And here I thought I inherited my fannishness just from my mum. ^_~

In related news, I think I'm just about ready to finally give Game of Thrones a stab (TV show, not the books), but... I'm concerned I'm going to hate it just on principle, and that's no good. That's what's pushed me away from watching it two or three times now. First it was being spoiled before the damn thing even aired, then it was multiple awful experiences with the fandom and hard core fans that made me want to run in the opposite direction. *sigh* I'm so torn. (No, no, please don't take this as an invite to convince me. Commiserate if you like, but actively trying to get me to watch it after what happened will likely push it into the Harry Potter category. Nearly 15 years on, I'm maybe finally possibly considering listening to the HP audiobooks... if I have nothing else to listen to. Maybe. [Although those hilarious 1930s Surprise!Nazi-Werewolf radio plays are pretty enticing.] ...And I've yet to see all of the HP movies, despite going to the World of Wizarding at Universal Studios last year.)

And in random news, I swear to god, if there isn't more Box 1663 to read soon, I may cry. I think I'm going into withdrawal. Shakes and everything. ...Just sayin'. ^_~ No pressure! Really. *shifty*

fandom:media:tv:x-files, personal:life, fandom:lotrips, fandom:media:tv, fandom:meta

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