Why Isn't This Show About Eric?

Oct 09, 2011 00:51

So I went to the little gathering of grad students who watch True Blood this morning...

Point-form reactions on viewing something like 4 episodes of True Blood total (S1, E01-02 and S3, E09-10):

- Sookie is not as irritating as I remember.
- Bill is still just as irritating as I remember.
- Also not at all attractive. His makeup is awful.
- Eric is pretty.
- Eric is very, very pretty.
- Why is this show not about Eric?
- Very disappointed in the gay characters. Meh.
- That was the single most ridiculous fictionalized drug trip ever.
- He's a BEAGLE????
- I cannot believe Sookie and Bill had an unironic argument entirely about whether or not he loves her only for her sweet, sweet blood.
- I can't stop hearing Homer say, "Sweet, sweet can[dy]," when I think of Sookie and Bill's argument.
- That scene where Eric chained Sookie up in his basement could've been really hot if they'd let it play out. -_-
- I had no idea "true blood" was the faux blood the vamps drink until now. Duh. I feel dumb.
- OMFG, the dialogue on this show! How does no one crack up delivering it?
- Also, how is everyone a supernatural creature? Overkill much?
- Oh god, of course she's a fairy. She's the specialist special that ever specialed.
- I want my own werebeagle.
- Seriously, why isn't this show all about Eric?

Despite all that (or maybe because of it), I'm going to give the show a shot, if only so I can use it as a way to get to know people a little better1. One of my new officemates is the one supplying the TB (seriously, all I can think is "tuberculosis" when I abbreviate it that way), so I can apparently get the S1 and S2 backlog from her if I want to catch up. That's already nicer than the last officemate. (Well, and she invited me in the first place, so... AND she was wearing a Threadless t-shirt with Drink!Han and Cookie!Chewie on it, which gave me a little, "MY PEOPLE!" thrill.)

There were about six people there today, and they meet up every two weeks to do this, so I figure that's not bad. Everyone was nice, although we didn't talk too much. Also, I brought a fruit plate of sorts, because you don't win friends with salad I figure it's always a good plan to pave the way with a little food/niceness when approaching a new group. They ate most of it, which was a good sign. And now I have bonus leftover rock melon cantaloupe. (I would've brought cookies or something more treat-like, but one of the regular attendees is either a vegetarian, gluten-free, or both. So I went with a safe option. And of course... she didn't show up. *facepalm*)

1. And I will admit I have consumed and obsessed over my share of vampire lit in the past. I have stood in a very, very long line just to get Anne Rice to sign my books and tell her how I agreed with her about Tom Cruise; he would never be Lestat, oh no. And then... she changed her mind and revealed herself to be crazy, although not at the same time. *shakes fist* ....And oh, Vampire: The Masquerade. How badly I wanted to play you. (And watch your spinoff show forever.) My character was gonna be a Toreador, because that's totally not every teenage girl's dream, and she was definitely not going to be a poseur. I swear! I still have the clan pin! *siiiiigh*

personal:new zealand, personal:academics, personal:life, fandom:media:tv

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