Colour Memery & A Brief Whimper About LOST--

May 05, 2010 14:47

So, you know, almost immediately after posting something negative in tone, I have this weird desire to post something positive. *shrug* Maybe it's a little about balancing things out, I don't know. Thing is, I don't have anything exciting to post just now, so instead, I'm going to do a meme. Woo! I know, you're excited too, right? ^_~

Last month, I responded to splix's post which said: Comment, and I'll give you a colour. And then you post ten things that color that you like. She gave me white. (As I understand it, you're also supposed to post pictures of those things.)

1. Samoyeds: Most of you already know I'm a dog person. ♥ Although currently dogless due to circumstance, I love all dogs, but I'm especially partial to Arctic/Spitz breeds. (Typically working/herding/sledding dogs well suited to Arctic-like temperatures, with thick, fluffy fur, pointed ears and muzzles, and tails that curl over their backs.) Our last family dog was a Samoyed, and I have completely lost my heart to the entire breed. (Samoyeds and Pomeranians = Best Dogs Ever. ^_^) They're medium-sized white dogs (although non-dog people always think they're impressively big) with the sweetest tempers, and "Christmas in their smiles." ♥ ♥ ♥

2. Snow: Not so great when one has to be out in it, but wonderful when you choose to be. I love its transformative qualities, the way it remakes a familiar landscape into something new, something strange, something stunningly beautiful. (This picture is of the Calgary downtown core, btw, likely taken from Prince's Island Park, which, yeah, is an actual island in the Bow River.)

3. The Page: Whether it comes with a whole raft of text already on it, or is completely blank, it's an invitation to visit and/or create entire worlds, whole universes. How wonderful is that?

4. Mother of Pearl: (And really, other seashells as well.) I love the smoothness, the curve of the shell, the spiral, and I love the trick inherent in mother of pearl. It's white, but it's not. There's such a wealth of colours hiding there, waiting for the right tilt and trick of the light to burst forth.

5. White Gold: (Also pearls and diamonds, and other fine jewellery.) I admit, I'm a bit of a snob, here, since I am of the opinion that most folks who say they don't like yellow gold actually don't like gold plated jewellery, which has an entirely different quality of colour to it vs. actual gold karat. Which is a long way of saying that I love both yellow and white gold, and what I especially love about white gold is how it has a warmer feel to it than silver (not that there's anything wrong with silver, mind you ^_~). There's a subtle but definite difference between the two metals, and I'm fascinated by those different shades of character in what are essentially similar-looking materials.

6. Black & White Photography: There's something about b&w photos that transform otherwise mundane sights into something otherworldly, more expressive, or simply more stunning. I adore the way b&w photos throw everything into relief, so that the world is somehow... more than itself. Sharper. Clearer.

7. White Dress Shirts: (Also dinner jackets, white tie dress codes, and men's costume or formal wear in general.) There are few things finer than the sight of a man who is not just dressed to the nines, but completely comfortable in his clothes. I get teased a lot about my suit!kink, but you cannot tell me a man in a well-tailored suit, wearing the perfect crisp, white shirt isn't a beautiful sight.

8. Mrs. White: Clue was one of my favourite board games when I was younger (and yep, I watched the movie too), and Mrs. White was my favourite "suspect" to play. We had the version with this particular card; I suspect I wanted to play her so much because she looked the most shocked and least guilty of all the possible players. *G* Looking at some of the other versions out there, I'd probably switch over to Miss Scarlet, but Mrs. White is where I started.

9. White Lace Parasols: I'm not much into the Steampunk movement, but I do love my Victoriana, my costume dramas, my elaborate period piece outfits. I also love parasols because not only are they a fashionable throwback, but they're also incredibly practical. I'm not one for tanning, I'm incredibly pale, and a parasol is a really lovely way to help shade oneself from the sun. (Plus, it's a pretty cool addition to an outfit, and gets lots of compliments. ^_~)

10. The White Tree of Gondor: My home fandom. I could wax lyrical about this for pages, but let's just say that no matter how far I stray, LotR is where my heart lies, and I live under the banner of the White Tree.

Ok, folks, I need to rush off to work now, but if you comment, later on tonight/tomorrow I'll give you a colour, and you can do this yourself! ^_^

Oh, and randomly, LOST is trying to murder us all. Last night's episode? *whimper*

lj:memes, fandom:media:tv:lost

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