Fanfic Shot My Paw!

May 04, 2010 11:28

Ah, another day, another hilariously misinformed author attempting to control the thoughts in their readers' heads and the ways in which they talk about/share those ideas.

In other words, Diana Gabaldon is sobbing about how fanficcers are like rapists, murderers, thieves and paedophiles again. Oh, the horror! The horror! *weeps*

And really, while I'm so beyond getting worked up about this -- because wow, how stunningly naive and unoriginal is this whole "fanfic raped my children and shot my dog!" attitude? -- I do keep a mental list of creators who are against fanfic, because hey, if they aren't interested in supporting their own fandoms, I'm not particularly interested in supporting them. (And you know, it's no big deal if they're all, "Just... don't. I don't want fic of my characters/stories." I mean, that's their prerogative, and I respect that they're not throwing a fit, but hell, they still go on the list.)

Sadly, however, I've realized my mental list might need a physical backup, because right now I can only think of four. So, uh, I'm posting here so I can refer to it later, and I'm open to expanding the list, if other folks can think of other creators who have explicitly come out as against fanfic. So here it is...

Creators Against Fanfic:
    - Diana Gabaldon
    - Lee Goldberg1
    - Laurell K. Hamilton2
    - Robin Hobb (aka Megan Lindholm)
    - George R.R. Martin
    - Anne Rice
Meanwhile, I'm all starry-eyed about Jim Butcher's policy on fanfic, and plan to adopt something similar if/when I become a published author (ok, technically I already am, but nobody much fics academic articles or short stories published in university newspapers/gay German anthologies). Honestly, his policy might just be enough for me to start buying and reading the Dresden novels (watched the show already, liked it).

Legally, I'll be required to cover my ass and not read the fic, but man, you can bet I'll be all, "Where is the tentacle!porn, huh? Come on! And I don't see any crackfic at all! Couldn't you guys have at least written a little MPREG? Can't you do me the courtesy of slashing my characters?!" ^_~

...And finally, bookshop has a great post on the breadth of what is essentially published fanfic here.

ETA: Adding a link to an unconfirmed list of anti-fanfic writers.

ETA2 Discussion thread about pro-/anti-fanfic writers.

ETA3: Let the backpedaling begin! ("Fanfic writers do it out of love? What? Who knew?" *facepalm*)


1. But really, who the hell wants to write fanfic about Monk tie-in novels that are essentially paid fanfic?
2. Which is a shame, because holy crap, Doyle and Frost -- hell, all the guys -- deserve better than Merry. And really, I'm being a bit of a hypocrite here, because I'm still buying her books; part of it is I knew she was wanky going in, and part of it is I'm just plain addicted to the trashiness of them.

fandom:literature, fandom:meta

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