Fiction Index Updates & CoyoteCon--

May 01, 2010 15:29

For those who are keeping track, which would be me and... me, my fiction index has been updated. (Just FYI, don't let such tasks lie fallow for eight months, because then it's just a big friggin' chore.) It's now current, and includes some stuff I haven't yet crossposted to LJ whoops. (I also fixed some alphabetical errors in my Sharpe section. WTF, me? ...Also, holy crap, I wrote a lot of Sharpe!fic last year.)

Additionally, I've finally uploaded some really lovely story banners by glaringcandle (courtesy the help_haiti auctions) to the Words/Silence/Flesh link page (yes, Barb and I are still trying to find a way back into that); my A Figure of Speech series (which is next on the list for completion/work); and Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise, my Cowboy!AU, which -- while I've known for a very long time is a universe-in-progress -- I have also "officially" moved to WIP status (as part of what I'm calling my "Alberta Bound" series; FYI, this means it's moved upward alphabetically in the LotR RPF section of my index).

That's pretty much it on the fiction update-y front. Oh, except I also attended my first CoyoteCon session this morning: "Getting Your Book Reviewed" with Joselle Vanderhooft, Cindy Lynn Speer and Michele Lee. It was good, but pretty basic. A lot of common sense advice, but I suppose these days, that's not so common. It was nice to have a bit of a framework for how to approach reviewers, however, so it was useful in that manner. (For those who don't know, CoyoteCon is an online writers' convention that is every weekend for the month of May, and it's completely free. I was turned onto it by savageseraph, and I'd suggest anyone else who's interested give it a boo as well. I mean, what's better than being able to attend a con in your pjs, eh? ^_~ Some of the sessions are "special" and require [free] tickets that are very simple to register for, but most sessions are simply show-up-on-time.) Tonight is "Ghosts" (a session on how to write ghost stories/characters), and maybe "Mythic Fiction." Tomorrow, I have tickets to "Science Fiction Romance Q&A," and I'd like to attend "Writing and Selling Short Works." Might drop in on "Envelope-Pushing Concepts" and "Costuming for Fiction," but we'll have to see.

ETA: "Mythic Fiction" was a little disappointing. The enthusiasm of the speakers was evident, but again it was very basic (and oddly married to Jungian notions of myth). There was some interesting discussion late in the game about female-centric myths which I would have liked to see go longer/get more indepth. Other than that, it was mostly a primer/reading list to inform folks that mythologies are everywhere.

ETA2: Sadly, I'm starting to feel like I'm in the wrong audience. "Ghosts" was more reading list talk and less advice on writing/crafting ghostly stories/characters. One of the authors was very good at stimulating interesting discussion, but that only really kicked in towards the end, and no questions got more than cursory answers, unless they were springboards into more favourite story discussion.

Now, I must away, for lo, I have unoriginal fanfic to write. ^_~

Oh, and I'd also like all of you to know it fucking snowed Thursday night. And not a wee Spring flurry. Grrr. We're having a very bipolar Spring. ...Am I allowed to say that, or is that... y'know, not nice?

personal:life, fandom:lotrips:vigbean, canada:nature, lj:links, lj:updates, fandom:literature, fandom:meta, fandom:lotrips

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