While We Tell of Yuletide Reminders--

Sep 24, 2007 12:36

(This is probably the earliest I've ever used one of my CandyCane!Samoyed icons. ^_~)

Yes, I'm going to do yuletide this year, despite the fact that this particular challenge scares the hell out of me (it's more the fear of what happens when you default than anything else, mind you -- I'm allergic to tar and feathers ^_~). However, every single year I forget about it until November, when signups are firmly over and the deadline is already looming, and I never fail to experience a real pang of regret. I mean, this is a fantastic chance to write and read in rare fandoms, and you even get to say, "Hey, I really need to read/write fic in this fandom here," rather than having to hope against hope that someone out there has independently had the same desires you have.

So after all was said and done last year, I made sure to join yuletide_admin so I'd be completely up to speed and ready this time around. It's paid off; I'm in step with the comm, and fully aware of what's happening when.

Anyway, I know a lot of you participate each year, and my guess is that there are plenty of other people on the ol' Flist who might be in the same position I usually am ("What? Yuletide was when?" or even "Yuletide who?") so I'm sticking up a reminder here that nominations for rare fandoms you'd like to read/write in close at the end of the day tomorrow (Tuesday). That's not signups, of course. That's just nominating rare fandoms, so if you decide you want to participate after nominations are closed, all that means is you can't add fandoms to the list (but believe me, there's a huge ocean to choose from even without nominating anything). It was of crucial importance that I got in with nominations this year, however, as I really very seriously need Eastern Promises fic (and until about twenty minutes ago, it wasn't on the Yuletide list). We're talking addict-level here. I mean, it's a miracle I can type, what with the withdrawal shakes I've got going on. ^_~ I know it's not guaranteed, of course, but the possibility of EP fic is the important part. *G*

So for my own edification more than anyone else's, I'm posting the six things I chose to nominate, just in case I need a reference guide when it comes down to choosing the three to four fandoms I would very much like to see fic for:
    Annie Proulx - Brokeback Mountain (book or movie)
    Bernard Cornwell - Sharpe series (book or movie)
    Eastern Promises
    The Island
    Jeff Lindsay - Dexter series (book or tv)
    RPF - Simon Pegg and Nick Frost
And for anyone who might be curious/interested/has not written it in her calendar, here's information on nominating fandoms, and here is the nomination form (works on the honour system; only those who plan to sign up are supposed to actually go through the nomination process).

Additionally, here is the FAQ, and here is information on defaulting. The default rules seem to change every year, and this year they're a little less final and brutal, which is good news.

(Of course, I'm also waiting for slashababy and lotr_sesa to begin, as well as hosting the sons_of_gondor Halloween exchange, so it looks like it's a mathom-filled season. ^_^ Woo hoo!)

fandom:comm:sog, fandom:lotr, fandom:comm:yuletide, fandom:media:movies, fandom:literature, fandom:lotrips, fandom:media:tv

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