Season 4 - Episode 22
*Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen the episode.*
"Lucifer Rising"
This episode was beyond awesome. I so loved "Carry on My Wayward Son" playing during the recap.
I hoped it would. It was nice finding out that Azazel's "end-game" was freeing Lucifer. I loved how Sam had doubts throughout the episode and truly believed he was doing the right thing
; though it's very sad, it's better than him knowing that he's doing bad things and not caring (which is what I was afraid would happen). I love how Bobby told Dean that he shouldn't give up on Sammy and how it would be cowardly to just wash his hands of him. God bless Bobby for saying that.
I was so angry when Zachariah and Castiel wouldn't let Dean leave the "safe room" to see Sam
. I loved the message Dean left Sam. Not the one Zachariah manipulated for Sam to hear (I was furious about that
), but the real one. It was touching and beautiful, and I hope Sammy hears it
. Zachariah is definitely on my enemy list for the messed up stuff he's done. Castiel was close to being on my list, but thank God Dean got through to him.
I love how Cas went against Zachariah and sent Dean to where Sam was, even though he knows he will be hunted for it. So he has redeemed himself in my eyes.
I loved how utterly intense it was wondering if Dean was going to make it to Sam in time. When Sam started killing Lilith, I wanted to scream NOOOOO!!!!! I absolutely loved the look on Sammy's face when he heard Dean calling him. It was brilliant how everything other than Dean's voice went silent for a moment and Sam stopped killing Lilith. Even Ruby's voice didn't register. I hated that Sam heard Lilith talking, provoking him like the evil snake she is.
I was going crazy when he went back to killing her. Again, I wanted to yell for Sam to stop. I was so sad. And when his eyes went black, my eyes started to tear up.
I completlely loathed Ruby for being all happy and bragging how she's so awesome. Until the end of the epi, I was unsure if she wanted Lilith dead for personal reasons or if she just wanted the free Lucifer. I'm pleased that it was the latter b/c it fits much better. I felt so sorry for Sam. It was bittersweet that he finally saw Ruby for the lying, manipulative witch she is, but it sucks that is didn't happen sooner. The twisted thing is I think she did really care about him and it seems that she thought he would embrace evil and they'd be together. But she didn't know Sam as well as she thought. And I am oh-so-happy she's dead. I originally wanted Dean to kill her, then at the beginning of this episode I wanted Sam to do it. And how glorious it was that they both played a part in her demise!
All I have to say is Thank Freaking God!!! I am ecstatic that Sam and Dean were together at the end of the epi, instead of fighting each other.
I am super-excited for season 5!!!
Thanks to the cast and crew for an AMAZING episode. Kripke, Jared, and Jensen own a piece of my heart.
They are so darn talented. Jim was awesome, and I hope we get to see Bobby next season too. Misha was awesome, and I am stoked that Cas will be in a lot of episodes next season. I have to give props to Genevieve for tonight's episode, especially the final scenes. I can't say I'll miss Ruby. I usually hated her, but I enjoyed it.