May 15, 2013 16:57
Safely back from Reichenbach Falls without incident, but before sorting photos and posting about the holiday, took a trip to the cinema with Mr T to see Star Trek Into Darkness. Despite having seem some spoilerific complaints specific to BC's character, was in no way disappointed. I guess it helps not to be a total Trekkie.
Lots of humour, layered storyline, plus as far as I could tell plenty satisfying twists to first generation situations. Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Karl Urban are so utterly like the Kirk, Spock and McCoy played by William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy and De Forest Kelley. In this second film in the reboot they have grown into their roles even more convincingly. The other crew members are also excellent. Was amused by reference to Nurse Christine Chapel despite no physical appearance by the original character.
The mysterious 'John Harrison' is, of course, not an out and out baddy - unlike another surprise rogue element. :-) Harrison has reasons and responsibilities. With seeming superhuman intellect plus physical ability he is able to take control of most situations. He is an untrustworthy ally and yet a worthy adversary. It's a good role and BC makes the most of it.
Overall nothing too deep, but most enjoyable with lots of action plus a plot that actually made sense. Another film in this franchise will surely follow...
star trek,