Drabble: Torchwood -- Fighting on this ice - PG for language

Sep 29, 2012 19:45

Title: Fighting on this ice
Author: Captain91 
Characters: Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper, Ianto Jones.
Challenge: Challenge 253: Moving Mountains tw100 
Rating: PG
Notes: Drabble for tw100

"Why the bloody 'ell are we traipsing through the Himalayas again? Jack's, been gone over a month now, he's left us, sent us on a wild goose chase, freezing us to death so-"

"-Shut up Owen," snapped Ianto, lifting the radar satellite higher. "Anything Tosh?"

"I had something, bit to the left Yan. There! Hold it right there," she burbled, rift tesslator beeping.

"We're 4 miles up a bloody rock, just ice and snow!" grumbled Owen, slapping the wall. Sheets of snow crashed off, revealing a door. He raised his arms, snarling sarcastically, "Open sesame…"

"Oh… oh Crap!"

character: toshiko sato, character: ianto jones, drabble, character: owen harper, tw100

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