Title: Are Mountains made of Trees?
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones
Challenge: written for challenge 253: Moving Mountains at
tw100 Rating: G
Length: Drabble
Summary: There are always repercussions
Notes: Slight spoilers for end of season 1 and start of season 2. This is my first drabble here, I hope I did it right!
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Congratulations on your first tw100 drabble - I posted my first just 3 weeks ago. It's fun, isn't it?
And yes, I enjoy doing drabbles. I was recently in a thing to do 100 drabbles in 100 days, I never expected to get them all done, but I failed miserably because of several weeks of bad health. I suddenly found myself rather lost though once the challenge time had ended and I had no more drabbles to do so I came in search of drabble comms!
I'm really enjoying reading other people's work too, most of the people on my f list have stopped writing torchwood :(
Oh, and hi *looks up* I can sometimes ramble a bit!
I'm a bit long-winded in my writing, I never use one word where five will do, so drabbles are a challenge. Wasn't sure if I could write anything that made sense in just 100 words, but I've managed 4 in 3 weeks, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
An awful lot of people have stopped writing Torchwood - some have moved on to other fandoms and others seem to have vanished completely - but there are a lot of new writers too, which gives me hope. New writers keep the fandom healthy and while there aren't as many as there were when I first discovered Torchwood fanfiction, they're very enthusiastic!
yeah, i was in hospital for 4 months a couple of years ago and when i came out 2 writers had vanished off the face of the earth, and others just seemed to leave their epic series drifting.
are a lot of the new writers more into miracle day or traditional torchwood? i like to hug my first 2 seasons close to my chest!
Unfortunately my health is pretty much degenerative, i've been under the weather most of this year, so people pushing good writing my way to pass the time is always very welcome :)
hmm, not a fan of gwen + dragons = i think i know what i'm doing instead of making graphs for my mother this afternoon!
The Dragon-Verse is so brilliant, I hope you enjoy it as much as I am. It's just reached the episode 'Sleeper', but the whole 'verse starts pre-season one. It's one of my favourite things, and there's a lot of it - should keep you busy for a bit!
D'you mind if I friend you?
And you and you rec lists are most welcome to friend me :)
I have spurts of activity on my journal then spells of nothing though i will warn you, and my fandoms are dquite varied. it just depends on what i am watching at the time, and good fan fic tends to influence me too
Bad health sucks, I hope yours stays so you can get out an about.
My email address is spinning-top@hotmail.co.uk you'll find I tend to be near it most of the day and night! and i totally get what you mean about the lj posting, I know a reasonable amount of html, but it's still pretty hellish. I've been putting off updating my materlist because every time i do the coding all goes to pot and scatters it everywhere!
At the moment I'm into grimm, i've signed up recently for a christmas fic exchange, that should be fun, my first one. they have a good back up writers list, so if i get ill i should be able to drop out and not leave someone with coal in their stocking!
But i like the american shows too, the longer seasons and generally much bigger budgets suit me. i've seen trailers for one called beauty and the beast, it's a modern day take, looks like it could be good, now we just have to get it over here!
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