Are Mountains made of trees? - Drabble - G

Sep 25, 2012 19:15

Title: Are Mountains made of Trees?
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones
Challenge: written for challenge 253: Moving Mountains at tw100 
Rating: G
Length: Drabble
Summary: There are always repercussions
Notes: Slight spoilers for end of season 1 and start of season 2. This is my first drabble here, I hope I did it right!

"Ianto, I'm sorry!" moaned Jack as another stack of paperwork was piled on his desk. Just a small space remained in front of him, big enough for one sheet of paper. "Look, we could go out tonight, have that proper date I promised you. We could… we could… what would you like to do?"

Ianto raised an eyebrow, stalking around behind his boss. "Well, Sir, I would like to…" he let his lips brush the older man's ear, finger running around his collar. "I would like to… file this damn paperwork! You disappeared for three months, this doesn't do itself!"

character: ianto jones, character: captain jack harkness, drabble, tw100

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