Title: Are Mountains made of Trees?
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones
Challenge: written for challenge 253: Moving Mountains at
tw100 Rating: G
Length: Drabble
Summary: There are always repercussions
Notes: Slight spoilers for end of season 1 and start of season 2. This is my first drabble here, I hope I did it right!
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Hope your health is better these days - being stuck in hospital for so long must have been pretty horrible - I don't think any of my stays have been longer than a couple of weeks and that was enough to drive me nuts! Of course, being agoraphobic didn't help...
Unfortunately my health is pretty much degenerative, i've been under the weather most of this year, so people pushing good writing my way to pass the time is always very welcome :)
hmm, not a fan of gwen + dragons = i think i know what i'm doing instead of making graphs for my mother this afternoon!
The Dragon-Verse is so brilliant, I hope you enjoy it as much as I am. It's just reached the episode 'Sleeper', but the whole 'verse starts pre-season one. It's one of my favourite things, and there's a lot of it - should keep you busy for a bit!
D'you mind if I friend you?
And you and you rec lists are most welcome to friend me :)
I have spurts of activity on my journal then spells of nothing though i will warn you, and my fandoms are dquite varied. it just depends on what i am watching at the time, and good fan fic tends to influence me too
Do you have an email address I can send the rec lists to? You can PM it to me, or if you'd rather not give out your email I can try copying the lists into PMs to you, if you'd prefer - I think they'd come out okay that way. I have four lists so far, and a mailing list of about 20 people I send them out to. I'm working on list number 5 at the moment. I might eventually post them on my journal some day, but it takes a lot of work because there are so many links! Also, if you're browsing fics at any point and come across a link that doesn't work, I've got a lot of Torchwood fics downloaded (seriously, there are thousands) and there's always a chance I'll have a copy. Writers keep vanishing a taking their fics with them, so it's become a precaution so I don't lose the fics I like!
I've mostly stuck with the Torchwood fandom because there is so much fanfic I want to read, and because I find it easiest to write. I do read some Stargate SG-1 sometimes, and the odd fic in other fandoms. I don't watch TV very much these days as I seem to prefer reading fanfic - it's addictive, lol! Also, I'm in England (not sure where you are) so I only get to see the most popular US series on TV - we don't have satellite TV which has all the best stuff - and I'm not much into British TV except for Doctor Who, I mostly prefer American scifi shows.
Hope you're having a good day! *hugs*
Bad health sucks, I hope yours stays so you can get out an about.
My email address is spinning-top@hotmail.co.uk you'll find I tend to be near it most of the day and night! and i totally get what you mean about the lj posting, I know a reasonable amount of html, but it's still pretty hellish. I've been putting off updating my materlist because every time i do the coding all goes to pot and scatters it everywhere!
At the moment I'm into grimm, i've signed up recently for a christmas fic exchange, that should be fun, my first one. they have a good back up writers list, so if i get ill i should be able to drop out and not leave someone with coal in their stocking!
But i like the american shows too, the longer seasons and generally much bigger budgets suit me. i've seen trailers for one called beauty and the beast, it's a modern day take, looks like it could be good, now we just have to get it over here!
Is the Beauty and the Beast show a remake of the old one with Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton? I loved that. Must have been on TV back in the 80s - that dates me a bit I guess! It's no secret that I'm getting on in years, hit 50 this year which kinda surprised me! I grew up watching Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker as Doctor Who, and watched the original Star Trek series when it was first shown here so scifi has been in my blood since I was little! As a genre it'll always be my first love.
Checked out your profile - you're a cross-stitcher? Me too, though I haven't done any for a few weeks. I mostly stitch small pieces for cards but I've done a couple of large kits. I stitched the Librarian from Terry Preatchett's Discworld books.
I don't have the first idea about html besides how to put user names in comment boxes - I have to use the Rich Text editor to make things easy for me, lol! Still takes time to put a lot of links in though and sometimes it acts up and won't let me put things where I want them. I re-did my Master Lists here and on dreamwidth the other day to tidy them up, but I only have the fic titles, no rating or summary. Don't know if I should add that info. I don't have all that many fics anyway, so it didn't take long. I put the links in the titles so they take up less room - I was messing about and found discovered how to do it more easily than I had been.
Right, better send you the rec lists!
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