Why hello there.

Jun 29, 2011 14:05

Hello there, everyone. Sorry I'm such a bad poster. I've been busy with school and life in general, I guess.

Finished up school, glad I'm off for the summer. I was hoping to get a different job besides my usual summer job, but no such luck there. Oh, well. If everything goes well, I should have a real job starting next summer after I graduate and pass my boards and everything like that.

Let's see, not much else is going on. Things with the boyfriend are good, he's actually going back to school and moving to the same town I go to school in, which will be nice. I can't wait. It will be like we are dating or something. Weird!

Also, the fam and I are leaving for Prague tomorrow morning! I'm excited. I'm trying to not be a dumb American and look up a few words and the history, but there's sooo much and Czech has like no vowels. My brain can't process it. I'm definitely so excited to go. And I really need to get packing.

Oh, how I hate packing.
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