Ah, fail.

Mar 17, 2011 17:01

Hey, all. Sorry I fail at being on LJ. It's at the point I'm so disconnected from LJ. Yeah. I feel bad, I still come around and read people's stuff and fic and all that, but I can't say I participate all too often. But I know you're surviving without me.

Um. Short version of my life. Still working my ass off in school. Things with the boyfriend are still good, we had our one year's this past February, and I got a very expensive Valentine's Day present, which I appreciate but don't deserve, I think. Family is still good.

Currently working on what the heck I'm going to with myself this summer. Really hoping I can can get an internship on the pediatrics in a local hospital at home. That would be kick ass and such a resume booster so I can actually get hired once I graduate.

Other than that, not much. Same old stuff, I guess. I've discovered Dexter, which is the highlight of my spring break. Why did I only watch season one? I was a fool.
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