Oct 14, 2009 20:16

WHO: Fakir, Rue, Mytho
WHERE: City Library
WHEN: Backdated LIKE YO MAMA to the 12th, afternoon
WARNINGS: Bitching and derpiness.
SUMMARY: Rue and Fakir arrive at the library, looking for Mytho. Oddly enough, they actually FIND HIM.
FORMAT: Paragraaaaaaaaaph?

Fakir was... tired. After three hours of restless sleep, he set out with Rue (Rue, of all people that morning, and checked every park in the God forsaken city. And found no trace of Mytho. Now they had started their patrol of the libraries, and so far made no headway at all.

As he trudged up the steps to the third library on their route, he tried to convince himself that he wasn't too terribly worried. But he was tired. He hadn't eaten breakfast, or lunch. He had hardly slept. Rue wouldn't stop being an utter bitch annoyance. And in a city like this, a trusting person like Mytho could-

He shook his head and closed his fist tightly around the handle of the door to step inside. The motion made it feel like his head was floating around in rough waters. Physically, emotionally, he was reaching his breaking point.

With a mental admonishment to himself for being so useless, he stepped inside ahead of Rue and let the door swing shut behind him.

† rue | princess kraehe, † mytho | prince siegfried, † fakir | n/a

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