At least it's not a throne of skulls [Incomplete]

Feb 13, 2009 21:24

WHO: Robin III, Moon... Knight?!
WHERE: Warehouse in MK's territory.
WHEN: Feb 12.
WARNINGS: Violence and gore.
SUMMARY: Tim got a message on the comm to come check out a warehouse as a temporary place to live after the meteor shower busted MK's place of residence. MK is supposed to meet him there IT'S A KHONSHU GET IN THE CAR oh you've been shot.

Tim swung down to a rooftop opposite the warehouse Moon Knight had specified first, checking out the area. It looked quiet, abandoned and ignored by most of the homeless population who sought out warmer places to stay at night, and donations from kindhearted passersby by day. The roof of the warehouse itself wasn't entirely suitable for standing around on, a slanted sheet of rusting corrugated iron, so Moon Knight must have wanted to meet inside. The building was dark, but that was to be expected - neither of them wanted to draw undue attention, and a small lightsource inside, where it wouldn't be visible, would be sufficient to meet by.

He worked his way quietly and quickly down to the entrance and slipped inside, waiting until the door was closed to bring out his small flashlight from his belt. He could have relied on his starlite lenses, but he didn't want to sneak up on Moon Knight and spoil their already... tense working relationship. With that in mind, he moved a little more noisily and obviously than he normally would have, but Moon Knight still didn't appear to be here. He must have gotten here first - the place was empty so far, about what he'd expect from an abandoned warehouse - some debris and longstanding puddles on the dirty floor, weeds growing up through the cracks, a few broken or boarded over windows.

And then his flashlight hit a thick, dark red puddle and he stopped short.


What was that doing here? Tim suddenly wondered if Moon Knight's apparent absence was just because he couldn't respond. He immediately started proceeding more cautiously, sweeping his flashlight methodically and following the haphazard splashes of blood until he found...

He found a pile of bodies. No, not a pile - a tower, like some sick, twisted version of a totem pole carefully crafted from corpses. He fought down the faint sick feeling in his stomach as he examined the morbid monument, checking whether any of the bodies belonged to Moon Knight... but no. No, it was worse than that, he realised with a cold feeling that made his stomach clench.

All the bodies. All of them had the distinctive crescent moon mark carved into their foreheads, bloody red gashes curving across the flesh and sticky with trails of dried, congealing or relatively fresh blood.

Moon Knight had been here - or maybe he still was.

cassandra cain | black bat, *complete, † marc spector | moon knight, tim drake | robin iii

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