(no subject)

Feb 13, 2009 09:01

WHO: Rimmer, Starscream, and (maybe) Hodge.
WHERE: Hodge's Downtown Location, Mutant Hatin'-o-Rama.
WHEN: Today, prior to anybody drinking the water, as it were.
WARNINGS: Possible crack, no, make that DEFINITE crack.
SUMMARY: What exactly does go on at that office, anyway?
FORMAT: Paragraph.

Rimmer cursed lightly under his breath, and then had to scrap the whole thing and start all over. This just wasn't working out. Somehow, the plan had misfired, leaving him staring at a disaster.

"Stupid thing," he muttered...and then started Minesweeper over again.

What? He'd finished his project for today! The television commercial was completely funded, AND he'd even found a director who would work pro bono. The hard part was getting through to the television stations to buy the space. Nobody at the local CBS affiliate was returning his calls, and the secretary at Fox had called him back four times, wondering if he'd want to turn the concept for the commercial into a sitcom.

Sometimes he really missed the Beeb.

((Code Monkey like you...))

† arnold rimmer | ace rimmer, † starscream | christopher astrum, *complete, † cameron hodge | the commander

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