Somewhere about the time that my pedometer fell in the toilet on Friday, I lost interest in posting. So the resolutions of tracking my walking and posting have both sort of fallen by the wayside.
Things have been steadily getting better since my last rant. Work is going well, if very busy. The problem with big ambitions is that they are a lot of work. But man, if these ambitions pay off, the world of work is going to be a pretty exciting place - I just have to keep up and keep my head above water.
Spent Saturday at the
Chicagoland Games booth at the Toy and Game Show at Navy Pier - neat to be part of the gaming world again, bad that I know so little about the product. But I can manage to be a warm body at the cashbox, and that got us through.
After I got done with the game fair, headed up to Milwaukee.
grumqa, J. and I spent a couple of hours bashing a few songs into the floor and drinking bourbon. Got up the next morning, had french toast with peanut butter and banana at Central, and started in on music again. Good times.
This week has been full of meetings, and I've definitely got work to do over the weekend. But. Progress is slowly but surely being made. But now it is Thanksgiving, and I'm off AND I have time with Lex and family AND I have spiked egg nog. Hooray for all of that!
Seriously though, I have a lot to be thankful for this year. So I'm focusing on that and on enjoying the time off. I think this is my one crack at the computer until Friday - a very happy Thanksgiving to all of you!