Nov 29, 2009 11:06
Something funny I've noticed. Lex and I have different tastes in milk. I prefer skim, he prefers as close to whole milk as possible. But in the last couple of years, there's been a lot of writing on the relative health benefits of skim milk vs milk with some fat - basically, it is a processing and vitamins argument that I'm not going to get into. The take-home is that you can make a good argument for milk with fat or milk without fat and if you want to defend your milk of choice, you can go look it up.
The point being, I've been occasionally trying out milk with higher fat content, and can generally tolerate drinking 1% or 2% milk. And I know Lex likes it better. On the other hand, Lex has learned over the years that I prefer skim milk.
So for the last few months, we have a funny reversed pattern of buying milk. When it is just Lex at the grocery store, we get skim milk. When it is just me at the grocery store, we get 1 or 2%.
Must be love?
Also, I was out in DuPage playing a board game at 8:15 this morning, keeping Lex company at Cow Con. Must be love. But hey, I can say that by 9:30 this morning, I'd already gotten a game in. *grin* I was playing Smallworld, for the record, and I highly recommend it. War games! With fantasy races! And treasure and a time limit!