It's here! :DDDD
Okay, so maybe knowledge-keeping doesn't exactly excite you. But everyone loves a good library AU, right? Maybe you've maintained an archive or have thoughts on the effective use of tags on blogging platforms or delicious. Or have you thought about how the library workers felt leaving The Library in Doctor Who's "The Silence in the Library"/"The Forest of the Dead", or how exactly Donna can continue to use her encyclopedic knowledge of the Dewey Decimal system for good? Maybe The Giver is your favourite book ever? These are things we'd like to hear! Here's what I'm planning to contribute:
* A recording of an SG-1 story, in which the SGC hires a librarian to manage all of the weird stuff they bring back and also, lesbian poetry. (Spoiler: Daniel hoards all of the books.)
* An analysis of Supernatural's Bobby and Ellen as knowledge keepers and how their knowledge bases are construed and valued in reference to their gender by both the text and the characters.
Awesome, right?
If there's anything in particular you'd like to see, the
Prompt Post is open and waiting for more love. Submissions for the fest (which opens to posting on April 15th) can run from rambly thinky-thoughts on the theme to serious meta to various types of fanworks dealing with fictional knowledge keepers.
Basically, you should all come and create lots of interesting things for me to dote on, alright? :D
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